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left my boogie at a friends place, now I've got problems with it

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  • #16
    Bud's tubes went bad, so he swapped them for your good tubes.
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #17
      Basically, you are getting what you bargained for. Sorry, but if you are careless enough to leave an expensive amp at someones house (especially for a month) then you've got what you had coming and should be grinning ear to ear that you still have something to fix instead of it being complete gone all together.

      Take it to a local amp tech, pay the bill yourself, and that should pretty much remind you to never leave $1000+ gear in the hands of other people thinking it will be just like you left it a month later.
      Jackson USA guitars
      BC Rich guitars

      Diezel Herbert
      Diezel VH4
      Framus Cobra
      VHT UL
      Mesa Rectifiers rev C, F, triple F
      Mesa MK3
      Bogner rev 2 Uber


      • #18
        "Check the EFX loop jacks.
        Sounds odd, but sometimes true.
        They can get dirty and exhibit the characteristics you're describing."

        Have you tried this yet?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Newc View Post
          Bud's tubes went bad, so he swapped them for your good tubes.

          This is what I was thinking too.


          • #20
            Footprint on top? Formula 409...problem solved

            As was mentioned, it could have been knocked over but that's most likely not the issue.

            Swapped tubes? Very likely

            Bad tube/tubes? Very likely as well, and simply a common maintenance issue that most likely is unrelated to any misuse/abuse by your friend.

            Effects Loop? Not likely but possible. If you plug in a short cable from the send to the return and your sound comes back, you've found the problem. The fact that you don't notice the issue on the clean channel leads me to believe that this isn't the case though.

            Bottom're lucky to have the amp back in somewhat working order. I have a very small circle of friends who I would trust to actually borrow high end equipment...most others need not apply. Don't trust your high end gear at somebody else's place, especially when that person is not the only one with access to the gear.


            • #21
              Hey, Rupe, can I borrow your high end gear?
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #22
                Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
                For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
                And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
                This above all: to thine own self be true,
                And it must follow, as the night the day,
                Thou canst not then be false to any man.

                Colagero: This guy Louie Dumps over here, you know, he owes me twenty dollars. It's been two weeks now, and every time he sees me, he keeps dodging me. He's becoming a real pain in the ass, should I crack him one or what?

                Sonny: What have I been telling you, sometimes hurting someone ain't the answer. First of all, is he a friend of yours?

                Colagero: No, I don't even like him.

                Sonny: You don't even like him. There's your answer right there. Look at it this way, it cost you twenty dollars to get rid of him. Right? He's never gonna bother you again. He's never gonna ask you for money again. He's out of your life for 20 dollars. You got off cheap. Forget about it.


                • #23
                  start checking preamp tubes... swap them around and see if the 2nd ch comes back. might just be a bad tube. thats what it sounds like anyway...


                  • #24
                    WOW you left a mesa a your friends house for a month. I have a mesa and it never leaves my house. I bought a cheap Blackheart to take out.

                    Some friend- he obviously did not say anything to you when you took it back in the hope you might not notice
                    2011 USA Jackson Soloist
                    2007 USA Jackson Soloist
                    2007 USA BC Rich Warlock
                    2009 Edwards ECY 165
                    2009 Schecter Hellraiser
                    2006 USA BC Rich Wave
                    2012 Gibson LP Trad
                    1981 USA BC Rich Mockingbird


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Vass View Post
                      Colagero: This guy Louie Dumps over here, you know, he owes me twenty dollars. It's been two weeks now, and every time he sees me, he keeps dodging me. He's becoming a real pain in the ass, should I crack him one or what?

                      Sonny: What have I been telling you, sometimes hurting someone ain't the answer. First of all, is he a friend of yours?

                      Colagero: No, I don't even like him.

                      Sonny: You don't even like him. There's your answer right there. Look at it this way, it cost you twenty dollars to get rid of him. Right? He's never gonna bother you again. He's never gonna ask you for money again. He's out of your life for 20 dollars. You got off cheap. Forget about it.
                      Bronx Tale--I remember the scene.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                        Hey, Rupe, can I borrow your high end gear?
                        Anytime for you Ron Just don't stand on it or take my tubes

