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new to me Randall rm100

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  • new to me Randall rm100

    just got this guy in a few days ago. already added a lil customizing and gettin ready to get one of my modules modded......

    so far, this amp sounds great, but not alot of cuttin thru(hopefully the mod will help)

    but heres a quick shot i thought i'd share

    i didnt like the way the lights looked in the above pic, so i went back to em and now it looks like this.
    Last edited by jdr94; 11-30-2009, 11:05 PM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the brotherhood! Get ready for the sickness to'll become a mod hunter. It's frightening how addicting it can be.


    • #3
      Get the Brahma...


      • #4
        i've read alot of good stuff about the brahma, i'm a clean/solo/highgain type of player and was thinking that grail or mr. scary would be more my style, but i havnt tried those either, just read about it.

        the sickness is setting in I'm gonna hit my ultra with a base mod,noise gate, and a ultra/ultraXL midswitch

        my clean tones are perfect now, but i need some cut and definition in my distortion


        • #5
          Looks cool with the lights -
          What kind of cab is that underneath?
          The grill looks like my peavey, with it i thought it needed cut until i ran it thru a different cab and it had plenty.
          The ultra xl is great.


          • #6
            its a randall xl w/ hellatone60's and g12t-75s

            but the cab i played thru at practice was a randall w/ jaguars so that may have been the culprit(sp.).
            Last edited by jdr94; 12-01-2009, 09:39 AM.


            • #7
              I've used my Randall RM100 live with my band, 80 hard rock, and never had trouble cutting through the mix. I used it mostly with a Bogner 4x12 loaded with Celestion 25w Greenbacks though. Perhaps the Jaguars are the problem as you said, I don't know as I'm not that familiar with them. Also, which module were you using?
              Once you mess around with that amp a bit I think you'll love it. Its not a difficult amp to dial in and loops are pretty forgiving if you run effects through them which is something I can't say about my other amps.


              • #8
                Yeah, Jags are pretty craptacular drivers. I run mine thru a Marshall 1960B wth G12T75's - love it. I can't stand V30's - too much "honk" in the mids. I love mids, but not the way a V30 interprets them.

                I had mine up for sale locally for about a week now, but I'm having second thoughts. I might dump a few mods and send one or two into Pete for "the treatment" - I really want his "Slodano" & "Mark Series" mods. Salvation has an Orange mod I really dig too. Beyond that, I'm kinda waiting to see if Pete posts some clips of the Fish mod he was working on too...

                So much to think about...but I really love my JVM right now. I should really keep the Randall around though...I'll regret it if I sell it.


                • #9
                  1086 is the best standard mod, IMO. Sometimes i love my brahama and other times i hate it.


                  • #10
                    i was happy now i'm sad. somethings wrong with this guy. i powered it up like normal, but got no sound. didnt sound like the standby/play switch does anything. i turned the vol up a lil more and could kinda hear it, but not thru the speakers, it was like it was actually coming from the head:think: so i turn up the volume a bit more and i see a small flash come from the back off the head followed by a real faint burnt smell. gonna open it up sometime this weekend and hope its just an internal fuse and not burnt to crap. i dont get it. it played fine for over 3hrs of band practice then doesnt do anything the next time i turn it on? i mean it lights up, channels switch fine, tubes light up, just no sound.
                    i mentioned the standby switch cause when i check the bias on my tubes i get no reading so maybe its just somethin in the standby switch line since it supposed to be on when biasing...i dont know. any thoughts?

                    oh and i was using an ultra, xtc, and kh-1. was planning on gettin the base,midswitch, and noisegate mod to the ultra, but might have to wait and see whats up with this first....


                    • #11
                      i found an internal fuse blown so hopefully that will solve it. more updates later incase they'll help anyone else....


                      • #12
                        Rm 100

                        You have just experienced "Randall Quality". Their old solid state heads were awesome but the RM series has issues. Go to the Randall Forum and you will see what I mean. I had one of these heads and fortunately dumped it before the prices dropped like a rock and quality became an issue. Make sure you buy lots of fuses.


                        • #13
                          yeah i'm over at the mts forum. i've seen the issues, but i've also seen that once resolved they stay pretty reliable. oh well either way the amps mine now so gotta do what i can do.

                          edit- i just dont understand why it blew an internal fuse before one of the externals...
                          Last edited by jdr94; 12-02-2009, 04:01 PM.


                          • #14
                            My Rm100 has been through many gigs this year along with being thrown in many trucks by many different roadies. No problems at all. Just great sound and I am running stock Ultra, XTC and Blackface modules. I love the amp.


                            • #15
                              Some things i learned from mine, if an outside fuse goes that tube can still light up too, even if the tube still seems like it's working visually, it can still have a problem, so you'd want to replace that tube instead of just the fuse and keep using it.

                              BTW what tubes you have in it?

                              hope not JJ's... pieces of sheeiiit tubes.

                              I had JJ's in and kept blowing fuses, then i got some different JJ's and same thing, at the same time i got some JJ6L6 for my peavey all sets were bad tubes, from different places i bought them too.
                              They could have done damage so yay for the fuses.

                              Put Tung Sols in the Randall, no problems :]
                              I saw the few horror stories on the mts ect, and got worried about something being wrong with the head after i figured it out luckily, at least for me my problem was the JJ's.\

                              I know it's after the fact, but If you notice something wrong right away when you turn it or any tube amp on, don't crank the volume shut it down asap.

