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  • Satisfied.

    I've been playing since 1982 and have never found the sound I was looking for. UNTIL ; Finally this week, I found it, AND on "garbage gear". Bout five months ago I bought a DOUGLAS SR1 RR "knockoff" to mod from Rondo Music. I got it and liked it so much I just refinished the neck with satin wipe on minwax and left the rest alone, HZ pickups and all. I been looking for a new amp because I'm tired of the "always tube sound" (yes really I am). Lo and Behold I get an Ibanez TBX30R for christmas. I would have laughed at it but I was being polite. Got it home, "wellll" I'll try it anyway, with the cheapie SR1. I'M SOLD. I'm saving for the TBX150h now. I'm looking at more Douglas guitars as well. If your like me and tired of the "same old sounds", check out the TBX series amps. IF YOU LIKE BRUTAL. There AIN'T no "pretty" here, this is INFANT MURDER BRUTAL. I love it, it's been what I've been looking for all these years, just OBSCENE!!

  • #2
    There are hidden gems even in cheap gear. Congrats on finding your tone.


    • #3
      I've been playing since 1985 and think that's a pretty long time to be looking for a sound. I guess I've been lucky because I'm very happy with what I've had for a while. I just wish I could get the time to play more.


      • #4
        I had the TBX150 combo for a brief while... like less than 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong, there was not much to be disappointed about. Especially for the price I got it. I flipped it because I needed a few other things more. I got it because I was looking at purchasing the TBX150H for practices and as a backup when I tripped over the used combo version for cheap.

        If the TBX (head or combo) had just a couple more features I would have one. But none of those missing features were things that could not be overcome by one means or another. It was a quite brutal sounding amp that really didn't need much help by way of extra pedals. OTOH, the combo was quite heavy and I just didn't see me lugging it out as a backup. The head would have been a better move for me.

        Would love to the the TBX head in a 300 watt model with an effects loop (in rear) and a direct out.
        In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.


        • #5
          I love this thing, I've never heard a gain structure like it, i told my wife that it's the Richard Ramirez of amps, downright scary. I have got to get the head and a decent cab for it. If they're other people like me out there, try this thing, you'll like it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Málmur Höfuð View Post
            ... I been looking for a new amp because I'm tired of the "always tube sound" (yes really I am). Lo and Behold I get an Ibanez TBX30R for christmas. I would have laughed at it but I was being polite. Got it home, "wellll" I'll try it anyway, with the cheapie SR1. I'M SOLD. ...
            Sounds like Santa knew what you needed.


            • #7
              There's a 150-watt Toneblaster head on Hattiesburg, Mississippi Craigslist for $200 right now. I think those heads are really cheap new though, like $299.

              My roomate's son, who is also my student, wants one of those SR1s bad! His dad is really conservative, though, and despite my telling him about Agiles and Douglas being good cheap stuff, he is still a brand-name guy who thinks a Squier is better because it's made by Fender. To him it's still Fender and Gibson, everything else is an off-brand to him.

              When the kid saves up his own money, it's still gonna be a battle for his dad to let him spend it on an "off-brand", so I'm very glad to hear you like the quality and sound. The kid loves modern metal and wanted a Rhoads, was headed for a JS30RR and I showed him the Douglas and said, "Set-neck, binding, sharkies, pinstripes, and LESS than half the cost!" So I feel I need to facilitate it for him when the time comes. Prolly have to agree to buy it if he doesn't like it, which I'd be glad to do now that I've heard how much you like it.
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                The Sr-1 I have is HONESTLY one of the best guitars I've ever played, I know the finish isn't perfect or the "fit" of every little thing like binding, but if you got your eyes closed and just feel it, Damn. If it weren't for the obvious little detail stuff I would swear up and down it's an $800 to $1000 guitar; FEEL WISE, it IS. The only complaint I have is it's nowhere near as pretty as a Rhoads as far as shape, but I think it looks as good as the ESP Alexi. The TBX is the best solid state amp I have ever played on, now I know it's a one trick pony, but damn what a trick. I've had several amps in my time, both solid state and tube, and this is my favorite EVER for heavy stuff. If you want to rape and murder someone by audio, this amp is it.


                • #9
                  I tried to check out the 15 watt version because some of the other clips on youtube seemed promising but everyone is running it with a extra distortion which confuses me since these seem to be pretty brutal sounding.


                  • #10
                    I think the ones that you see people run stompboxes in front of are the standard (older) Toneblaster, not the "newer" Toneblaster extreme, unless they are running the amp on the clean channel and boosting that. I will tell you this amp ISN'T for everyone, but I LOVE it. It is BRUTAL, and I MEAN BRUTAL. Some might run stompers on the clean channel (which I think SUCKS) to "mellow it out". ME?: I didn't buy it to be "MELLOW OR VERSITALE". This is a PURE UBER METAL AMP. If thats what YOU want, You'll be happy. I played thrash back in the day (80's) and I would have KILLED to sound this EVIL, but hey, that's MY taste and opinion. Try one yourself. Good luck man.


                    • #11
                      I think the ones that you see people run stompboxes in front of are the standard (older) Toneblaster, not the "newer" Toneblaster extreme, unless they are running the amp on the clean channel and boosting that. I will tell you this amp ISN'T for everyone, but I LOVE it. It is BRUTAL, and I MEAN BRUTAL. Some might run stompers on the clean channel (which I think SUCKS) to "mellow it out". ME?: I didn't buy it to be "MELLOW OR VERSITALE". This is a PURE UBER METAL AMP. If thats what YOU want, You'll be happy. I played thrash back in the day (80's) and I would have KILLED to sound this EVIL, but hey, that's MY taste and opinion. Try one yourself. Good luck man.


                      • #12
                        Sorry for the double post my cat stomped my key's I don't know how to remove one , maybe a mod can?


                        • #13
                          back in the 80's i really liked the "Grey Fuzzies" - i mean Fender M-80's.
                          Widow - "We have songs"



