Ill be purchasing a new tube amp soon, I never used tube before, Ive been reading alot of reviews on these amps, Every review is a good review, Where I live I just cant go to the local guitar store and play one.
I was thinking of getting a single rectifier mesa, People say you really dont need a dual or triple ro have the sound you want, Plus the singles Are loud to.
6505 or 5150 Has great reviews, I read that you have to have them cranked to get the full warmth of the tubes, I dont want to practice having it cranked all day, dont get me wrong I love it loud, But not at all times.
Peavey xxx..Awesome reviews I youtub'e this amp, and its sounds great from the very few people demoing it.
So I got a decision to make, I will be purchasing one of them amps within a month, AND I DONT MEAN MAYBE. I just want some of your info and what you think.
I want something you can plug str8 to the amp and have kick ass distortion. Im looking for something tight with lots of low end and I want to crank it and have people hear what im playing, rather than just loud jajajaja. I want definition.
What should I get??????????
I was thinking of getting a single rectifier mesa, People say you really dont need a dual or triple ro have the sound you want, Plus the singles Are loud to.
6505 or 5150 Has great reviews, I read that you have to have them cranked to get the full warmth of the tubes, I dont want to practice having it cranked all day, dont get me wrong I love it loud, But not at all times.
Peavey xxx..Awesome reviews I youtub'e this amp, and its sounds great from the very few people demoing it.
So I got a decision to make, I will be purchasing one of them amps within a month, AND I DONT MEAN MAYBE. I just want some of your info and what you think.
I want something you can plug str8 to the amp and have kick ass distortion. Im looking for something tight with lots of low end and I want to crank it and have people hear what im playing, rather than just loud jajajaja. I want definition.
What should I get??????????