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A Few Tube Amp questions

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  • A Few Tube Amp questions

    What are the difference in a 6l6 and an El34 tube. I've never had any amp with anything other than the El34 in it.

    I have read a few reviews that stated a Peavey Valveking cannot be re -biased and some that stated it can. Does anyone know which is correct?

    Now I know that not all power tubes are interchangable, But if your amp uses a 6l6, are you stuck with that ?

    And lastly , are preamp tubes interchangeable with no problems, like from a 12ax7, to something else?

    LAst tube amp I had, I pretty much just took it to a tech and went with what he suggested, but now if I'm going to go tube again, I need to know more about this myself istead of paying someone to do it

    I know that Had Svetlana El34s and JJ preamp tubes in my head when I had it, what kind of tone will I get with something that uses 6l6 power tubes?

    As always, thanks for the help!

    Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

  • #2
    Years ago I read some long-winded article about why some amp manufacturer was switching to--IIRC--6l6's and the choice was based on the supply of inexpensive vacuum tubes left in the world and not really anything related to tone production.


    • #3
      This current thread might be worth a read:


      • #4
        Stick with 6L6's

        EL34's reliability is horrid atm
        Over at the Randall MTS forum, basic opinion is these pop faster than a italian virgin
        no matter their biaslevels
        "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

        -"You like Anime"



        • #5
          Hmn, I had my head and giged with it for about 2 years and never had any issues with the El34's, but I will say the second that amp was dropped, well not even dropped, jsut pushe over, all hell broke loose, the tubes went and a bunch of other stuff.

          Well, I'm jsut asking about the 6l6 tubes now cause the amp I found that I can afford, uses them. I don't really have much of a choice , unless there are tubes that can be swapped with the 6l6, which I have no clue and that is kinda why I starte the thread.

          I heard they are brighter than El34s , so if I don't like that brightness, I want to know if I can warm it up using different preamp tubes etc.

          I feel like a totall idiot at the moment, I used to know a lot about this stuff, but anymore I don't know squat
          Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


          • #6
            I've never had any more issues with EL34 amps than with 6L6 amps.

            You generally cannot swap tube types (even if they use the same socket) unless the amp explicitly supports it. The pinouts are different and they expect different plate voltages (bias).

            6L6 tubes generally give a tighter, more bassy sound, and EL34s are generally more "honky" and cut through a mix better.

            Swapping preamp tubes will give a slightly different sound, but IMO if the amp is too bright for you, no amount of tube changing will warm it up. Sell it and buy one that you like.


            • #7
              I know the begura's have the option to swap between 6l6 and EL34's

              I've never heard of the EL34 being more prone to failure.

              Laney's GH50L and 100L also have the abillity to swap too...

              I have a Valveking and unless you get soem severe mods for it you wont be able to run EL34's in it, the peavy XXX can also be changed to run EL34's or 6l6's, the new 3120 just has el34's though.....I think most of the peavy's are fixed bias they have a safe adjustable range, the XXX has a switch like most of the amps that can run both types...

              I wouldnt say the 6l6 is brighter, it often has nicer cleans as the breakup is later on...


              • #8
                The Carvin MTS amps can run either EL34s or 6L6/5881 tubes with the flip of a switch. EL34s tend to be favored for more of a classic rock sound where you want more sag, or power amp breakup, to contribute to your sound. Peavey JSX amps also have this feature.

                6L6s were originally common in Fender amps, but in modern metal amps they are very popular because they DON'T break up as much, and you are relying on preamp tube gain for your distortion, with tube power to basically warm it up but not be a big factor in the distortion itself.
                Ron is the MAN!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                  6L6s were originally common in Fender amps, but in modern metal amps they are very popular because they DON'T break up as much, and you are relying on preamp tube gain for your distortion, with tube power to basically warm it up but not be a big factor in the distortion itself.
                  I concur.
                  But I still get overrun with people trying to tell me that it
                  is the 6L6's breaking up.
                  Works fine for a vintage tweed, but not so good to run them
                  like that for a modern high gain amp.

                  It is the 6L6 delivering the goods from earlier in the chain, and doing it quite well.
                  Just my opinion.

                  Variance in tubes and tone is the coloration of that preamp


                  • #10
                    Peavey if I recall, needs a grid resistor swap for the output tubes if you are going from 6L6 to EL34 in like a 5150.

                    First Soldano's had 6L6's. Big Bottles will sound great if matched correctly.


                    • #11

                      It's been my experience that el34 based amps need the bass cranked up to get any significant lows but the mids are more dominant.

                      6L6/5881 amps are good for natural lows. I think 5881's are slightly better at it.

