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Finally , a Tube amp!

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  • Finally , a Tube amp!

    After Months of fooling with a bunch of solid state amps, that ended up sounding like Garbage, I finally got a real tube amp that I could afford! It's a Peavy 112 Valveking.

    I had heard a lot of bad stuff about it, but it was the only thing I could really afford, I only paid 359.00 for it.

    People said it couldn't do Metal, didn't have enough gain, bla bla bla, well let me tell you, it is the best sounding thing that I have had in a LONG time and it sounds better than my MArshall did at the lower volumes I need to run it at in my house. It has tons of Gain, I run the gain at about 1-2 oclock and I have a great 80's sound out of it.

    A lot of guys on the marshall forum flamed it , cause first it isn't a Marshall, and then cause it has 6l6 tubes in it. I don't know the difference in all that stuff, but this amp sounds great to me, and that is all I care about.

    I also got my black label chourus today and it sounds great in the loop as well as the carbon copy. For whatever reason, my EVH phase 90 sounds like garbage in the loop. It did in another amps loop as well..

    I haven't got to run my new DKMG through it yet as it is back at the shop for the nut issue , and I also haven't gotten to run it through my 4x12 loaded with vintage 30's yet.

    A lot of guys said the amp sounds awesome through them so we will see, but the stock speaker doesn't sound that bad at all!
    Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

  • #2
    nice, man. Congrats.

    Try the phaser in front of the amp. Should sound much better.

    A lot of Marshall guys don't like 6L6s because that Marshall sound comes from EL34s. I have a JCM900 with 6L6s and I like it fine. They work well for me because in my cover band, I want a good clean tone at volume as well as a good drive channel and the 6L6s have plenty of headroom, unlike the EL34s. My new Randall has them too. If you're running your amp at low volumes, the power tubes will have less impact on the overall sound anyway.
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      Thanks! YEa, that phase 90 sounds Awesome in front of the amp. When I had the regualar orange phase 90, I ran it throught the loop of my DSL and it sounded fine there for some reason. My EVH fla nger sounds good in the loop, but is a total different sound than it has out in front. The flange kinda over takes the sound when in the loop.

      My wife doesn't usually say anything about my stuff, but she just said she liked the new amp better than the Dsl. I asked why and she said it sounds cleaner and crisper( I don't know what she means by that) but she said the Marshall head sounded buzzy, which it did , especially at lower volumes.

      I will say my DSL 50 on hte clean channel with a tubescreamer had one of the best sounds I have ever heard from an amp though
      Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

