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To the JCM users

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  • To the JCM users

    A few work buddies & I are heading over to a rehersal studio to hack around a bit. Studio has a JCM 800, 900, & 2000. We'll be doing some Sabbath, AC/DC, Metallica, Slayer, maybe even some Maiden...I know, different tones.

    What I would like is an idea of which of the 3 I should "jump on" when I get there and how I should dial it in to get a decent metal tone- We're in there by the hour and while I don't mind tweaking a bit I don't want to start in from Ground 0 trying to get something in the zone- I'll drive everyone nuts fiddling for 3 hours that way. Would prefer to fiddle for one.

    Also- Should I bring something to hit the front end for heavier shit? I'm not a bit pedal guy but I do have a metal zone I picked up cheap- If I pull down the gain can I use that for a little extra kick or even as a boost for leads?

    To further confuse the situation, here are the other amps in the room. I almost got paralyzed by the list.... How is that Diezel? The Shiva? AHHHRGGGH I should rent out the space by myself for 3 days and figure it out.

    Going to be using my Fusion Pro Professional, SA/SA/EMG 85 bridge.

    Matchless DC30
    Matchless Chieftain Reverb
    Bruno Underground 30
    Bruno Cow Tipper 45
    Bruno Pony 50
    Bruno Tweedy Pie 35
    Diezel VH4
    Komet 60
    Bad Cat Hot Cat
    Dr. Z Maz 38 Reverb
    Dr.Z Route 66
    Dr.Z KT45
    Victoria 50212 tweed twin
    Victoria 45410 bassman
    Alessandro English
    VHT PittBull CL50
    Bogner Shiva
    Limited Edition Vox AC30
    Fender Twin Reverb
    Fender Hot Rod Deville
    Marshall JCM2000
    Marshall JCM900
    Marshall JCM800
    Cornford MK50
    Mesa Boogie Trem-O-Verb
    Mesa Boogie Heartbreaker
    Roland JC120
    2 4X12 cabs & Vintage 30s
    2 4X12 cabs with G12H 30s
    Bruno 4X12 cab with Blues
    5 Egnater amp switchers

  • #2
    If it were me I'd be looking at the 800 series, though even then, it depends which one. If I remember, my settings were:

    Bass - 10

    Treble - 6

    Mid - 0

    Pres - 6

    pre 10

    volume - whatever you can get away with.

    I always used a TS9 with:

    Level - 12 o'clock

    Tone - 2 o'clock

    Drive/gain - 2 o'clock.

    This was in the days before I discovered a noise gate, so you might want to put an NS2 in there too.


    • #3
      I'm not going to give you EQ settings for a Marshall - start out with 12 noon on all of them and add to taste.

      I like the 800 dimed all the way - bring a boost for more.

      Don't need much with the 900 - dime the first preamp and 12 noon on the second.

      The 2000 should be able to do all the heaviest stuff with no boost unless you want it to sound like sludgy, mushy Slayer stuff, then add something in the front.
      Blank yo!


      • #4
        Hey Vass - are you in NYC? That sounds like Ultrasound studio? If so, check out the Ultra room on the 6th floor. You can probably do it all with a 2000 series (DSL or TSL) without anything in front of the amp. Try a Cornford...!!!


        • #5
          Awesome list of amps in that rehearsal space. Where we rent, one room has a Marhsall MG combo and the other as a JCM900 and Single Rec.

          So back to your question, I'd go with any of the Marshall JCM, my favorite would be the DSL as I own one. Bring a tube screamer pedal or any clone that you could have or get.

          As said above, start with everything at noon. Don't cranck the gain on these and if your drummer is loud, rather push the volume, have those poweramp tubes do the work!

          Slap the front with the overdrive pedal. For your info, I kinda like the green channel on the DSL with the crunch switch engage. Roll the volume for clean.

          Have fun, experiment and let us know!
          JB aka BenoA

          Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
          Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


          • #6
            gain,Bass, Mid, Treble and presence all on 6

            Some sort of TS808 style boost
            level on 10
            gain on 2
            tone to taste

            cabinet with 75's
            "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vass View Post
              AHHHRGGGH I should rent out the space by myself for 3 days and figure it out.

              Problem solved!
              "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

              -"You like Anime"



              • #8
                I wouldn't use a Marshall from that list. Diezel VH4, VHT 50 CL and the Bogner Shiva would would be my choices from that list. If you go with a Marshall, get JCM800 2203, bring a Boss Super Overdrive pedeal and use it in front. There is nothign sweeter than the simplicity of a single channel 2203/04 with a pedal in front

                As far as settings, use your ears, don't worry what # a control is on, if it sounds good, it sounds good


                • #9
                  Wow! That is quite a list of amps that place has. On the Marshalls, JCM 800's never had enough gain without a pedal in front of them for me. The JCM 900 is actually nicer than people give it credit for I think. But if you have a choice of amps from that list, you MUST plug into that Bad Cat Hot Cat. Trust me, it will put a smile on your face whether you want cleans or high gain Not necessarily to reproduce the tones of the bands you mentioned but just a great high end amp, you should check it out!


                  • #10
                    Choosing anyone of those amps over the Diezel VH4 is like choosing a Toyota Tercel over a Dodge Viper that is the same price at a car rental.

                    Junk the Marshalls and use the Diezel or VHT.
                    Jackson USA guitars
                    BC Rich guitars

                    Diezel Herbert
                    Diezel VH4
                    Framus Cobra
                    VHT UL
                    Mesa Rectifiers rev C, F, triple F
                    Mesa MK3
                    Bogner rev 2 Uber


                    • #11
                      Go with the 2000. Actually, you don't need any of our advise after looking at the list of gear you have in your posts. Just plug in and go. If you need solo boost, throw a volume pedal or some sort of a clean boost or EQ in the loop.


                      • #12
                        out of the marshalls, the 800.

                        but for real, that Diezel will make those marshall's look like some mickey mouse bullshit


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RJF View Post
                          Choosing anyone of those amps over the Diezel VH4 is like choosing a Toyota Tercel over a Dodge Viper that is the same price at a car rental.

                          Junk the Marshalls and use the Diezel or VHT.
                          I must respectfully disagree here. I think the Bad Cat Hot Cat sounds better than a Diezel
                          The Dr Z amp is also a very nice sounding amp although more for basic distortion, not for really high gain like a Diezel or Bad Cat. There are lots of nice amps in that studio in fact I say ditch the band and just sit there plugging in to the various amps and try them out
                          Wouldn't mind taking the Komet for spin too


                          • #14
                            JCM Marshalls are probably the easiest amps in the world to get around with. Just plug in and you have a tone ready to go. You should find your sweet spot pretty quickly.

                            Those other amps are all great but if you want Marshall tone then stick with the Marshall or something which has somewhat similar crunchy tonal characteristics like Cornford, Black Cat or Komet. Diezel is cool as hell but could be too clinical and sterile if you want more of that old school nastiness.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                              Go with the 2000. Actually, you don't need any of our advise after looking at the list of gear you have in your posts. Just plug in and go. If you need solo boost, throw a volume pedal or some sort of a clean boost or EQ in the loop.
                              Agreed -as long as it's a good sounding one. I seem to have a great DSL100, but I've heard bad ones (DSLs and TSLs) used at music stores. Someone probably pulled the good tubes. Speaker cab is important too. I wasn't so hot with my 1/2 stack until the speakers loosened up after breaking in.

                              Since getting this amp in 1998, I've played Silvers (played them in the past as well), and many Super Leads, 800s, etc. that sounded great. But not great enough IMO to swap. You give up flexibility IMO. The DSL might not have the greatest tone in the world, but I can dial in a wide range of very good tones.

                              900s I've tried, thinking they might be a cheap backup, but I've never been happy with the tone of one yet.

                              For my old school Marshall tone, I have a pair of Laney AOR 50s (one head, one combo with a V30).

