Is born.

Settled on a new name as well.
"Cygnus 7" for the max estimated 7 watts.
Similar to the prototypes (3 of them) it is
designed for full gain and tone at low volume.
Faceplate is being made, and I am working on the head cab.
Configuration is Gain 1, Gain 2 , TMB, Master Volume.
4, 8, 16 ohm speaker, and Line Out.
Cathode biased (self biasing) plug and play 6V6, 6L6,
KT88, 6550 family. 2 x 12AX7A preamp (3 gain stages plus
cathode follower tone stack).
Good cleans, great dirt tone.
(Whatever early 80's Scorpions used is what the dirty sounds like on this amp).
I run it through a Peavey 5150 block logo 4x12 and it sounds perfect.
Gets loud enough to rattle the windows at the other end of this 85 foot
long ranch style brick house, but sounds awesome as well at whisper level.
Here is a quick chassis shot:

Settled on a new name as well.
"Cygnus 7" for the max estimated 7 watts.
Similar to the prototypes (3 of them) it is
designed for full gain and tone at low volume.
Faceplate is being made, and I am working on the head cab.
Configuration is Gain 1, Gain 2 , TMB, Master Volume.
4, 8, 16 ohm speaker, and Line Out.
Cathode biased (self biasing) plug and play 6V6, 6L6,
KT88, 6550 family. 2 x 12AX7A preamp (3 gain stages plus
cathode follower tone stack).
Good cleans, great dirt tone.
(Whatever early 80's Scorpions used is what the dirty sounds like on this amp).
I run it through a Peavey 5150 block logo 4x12 and it sounds perfect.
Gets loud enough to rattle the windows at the other end of this 85 foot
long ranch style brick house, but sounds awesome as well at whisper level.
Here is a quick chassis shot:
