Ok, the IPS33 seems like it's about to shit the bed on me.
Should I try my luck with an older H3K unit again or go for the Pitchfactor pedal?
Anyone who has/had both care to offer an opinion? I do seem to recall the H3 having the ability to totally customize the harmony response through at least a 2 octave range (A=440 could be a 5th while an octave higher could be a 3rd, etc). I also remember it being a fucking anal-retentive Technique-Nazi with no consideration for slight semi-tonal modulation
Should I try my luck with an older H3K unit again or go for the Pitchfactor pedal?
Anyone who has/had both care to offer an opinion? I do seem to recall the H3 having the ability to totally customize the harmony response through at least a 2 octave range (A=440 could be a 5th while an octave higher could be a 3rd, etc). I also remember it being a fucking anal-retentive Technique-Nazi with no consideration for slight semi-tonal modulation