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Lynch Box

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  • Lynch Box

    I bought a Lynch Box combo, came with a Mr. Scary module. I must say I'm impressed. I need a second module, any suggestions. I really looking for something to play a little more modern metal also.

  • #2
    If you can find a 1086 that might do the trick for ya. Tons of gain and tight. I don't think they make them any more. The Ultra XL would probably work as well.


    • #3
      I have a Randall RM100 and the three MTS modules I use most in it are the XTC, Mr. Scary. and Blackface. But for more modern sounding gain I'd agree with Jack Napalm about the 1086. Once you start messing with these modules you'll soon be hunting down others as its quite addicting


      • #4
        Thanks to the both of ya for your opinions. I'm gonna try and track down a 1086 first. Have either one of you guys tried the grail or the recto. I heard them online but would to here an honest opinion from someone who has played them. Addicting huh, I believe it. I bet I will end up trying to buy more of them when I shouldn't. Again thanks Jack Napalm & Roodyrocker.
        Last edited by rattlehead74; 04-22-2010, 10:55 PM.


        • #5
          Yeah, getting modules is its own form of crack.

          I have the grail and I don't like it as much in my LB. But I do like it in my RM20 head. I think its the EL34's in the LB that take something away from the Grail. I just changed out the power tubes in the LB and am going to try it again. I have thought about running a combination of power tubes in the LB head to see if I like that. These amps are so easy to work with. And if you don't like a module. Just get it modded.


          • #6
            I have the Recto. Using it for rhythm. Mine appears to have been upgraded with orange drop caps. I like it, although I believe the Rectified & Treadplate (the updated versions of the Recto) are supposed to be better again.
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Pete's Recto is AMAZING!!! Simply awesome. After I got it, I sold my Single Rec head. It was that good.

              Love the Ultra XL too - pretty versatile with lots of range to dial in your mids. Mr. Scary was probably my favorite "Marshall-esque" mod as well.

              RMs take OD pedals out front very well, so consider that before chasing down a bunch of mods.


              • #8
                Seeing that Lynch Box 1/2 stack, i have to say you cant find a better looking 1/2 stack anywhere! What a bad ass. If it sounds 1/2 as good as it looks, its
                worth the $'s~!


                • #9
                  I know for sure I'm going to get a 1086 first but I'm already planning ahead to get the recto. I have a tube screamer collecting dust. I think its time to break it back out. I have the Mr. Scary and I'm really happy with it.


                  • #10
                    Mine is just the combo, but it still looks kick ass.


                    • #11
                      Scratch that on my Grail comments. Just put in new Winged "C" power tubes (El34) and the Grail is a whole new thing in the Lynch Box. I am running at 50 watts now as well and like it very, very much. I am cranking the master volume louder and the tone has really come alive. These amps are great. Easy to bias and the tonal variations are staggering. For a gig tomorrow night I am using a KH2, Mr Scary and Super V. I would use the Grail but I need more of Marshall sound for the songs.

                      Course the jam I having Sunday morning I'll be using the Grail now.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jack Napalm View Post
                        Scratch that on my Grail comments. Just put in new Winged "C" power tubes (El34) and the Grail is a whole new thing in the Lynch Box. I am running at 50 watts now as well and like it very, very much. I am cranking the master volume louder and the tone has really come alive. These amps are great. Easy to bias and the tonal variations are staggering. For a gig tomorrow night I am using a KH2, Mr Scary and Super V. I would use the Grail but I need more of Marshall sound for the songs.

                        Course the jam I having Sunday morning I'll be using the Grail now.
                        Cool man, stuck with el34's huh. Thats great. If you can let me know how your Mr. Scary sounds. Good luck with your gig bro.


                        • #13
                          I have a Recto module but rarely use it. I guess I prefer the Marshall flavored modules. XTC, Mr. Scarry, and SL+ get the most use. In fact I have stock XTC and SL+ modules as well as ones modded by Pete Turley.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
                            I have a Recto module but rarely use it. I guess I prefer the Marshall flavored modules. XTC, Mr. Scarry, and SL+ get the most use. In fact I have stock XTC and SL+ modules as well as ones modded by Pete Turley.
                            I like Marshall and Mesa both. Are the mods really worth what there made out to be?


                            • #15
                              Get a Brahma won't be sorry..

