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  • Nad

    So I found a Krankenstein for the right price. Despite the mixed reviews of it, you can get a good tone out of it at a reasonably low volume and at high volumes. As strait forward as the controls seem, it is a tweakers amp as Ive found out over the last 36 hours. The key Ive found is to pay close attention to how the channel master and the global master are set relevant to one another, you want to keep them about equal but with the channel master at a slightly lesser volume than the global at high volumes. At low volumes it seems to like to have the global at about 5 and the channel master at about 1-1.5. The next biggest issue is where you have the sweep set, it likes to be set at around 3 for low volumes and around 6 at high volumes. The downside to the amp though is that its biased really cold from the factory, like most amps. I hope to have that rectified before the weekend is up. All in all, I think once I get it biased properly it will be a killer amp as far as a high gain metal amp goes. I think its kind of a one trick pony though, its either metal/hard rock or play the Carvin. I cant wait to here it once Ive biased it correctly. If Ive been able to get it this close on a cold bias Im sure it will come to life fully with a proper one. Maybe Ill order a JJ retube kit for it as well, they always seem to do noticeable good.
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  • #2
    Kranks are a bitch to dial in.

    Once you get them there they are kickass!
    I like EL34s.


    • #3

