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New Amp Day :) Mesa Mark V

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  • New Amp Day :) Mesa Mark V

    I've been out of the loop for quite a while...and have been using a Roland JC-77 with a GT-8 for a long while now.

    That hasn't been very good at higher volumes at gigs so I followed some advice from a fellow guitarist and picked up a 1X12 combo Mesa MKV. I believe I had a MKIIC+ back in the day which drove my marshall slant 4X12.

    I bought this from Hagerty's(sp) and received it today. Talk about flexibility? wow...and a powerhouse in a small amp(not small weight!). I'm usually a gain freak...but channel 3 has it!! I'd still like my picking during leads to be smoother, less choppy and it definitely needs a noise gate.

    I'm wondering about putting the GT-8 in the loop? Think it's worth it? Feedback will be appreciated. This is my second mesa. As a long time Marshall guy, I'm glad I bought this amp. I received it after work, and played it an easy four hours so far! The best gifts are the one's YOU buy yourself

  • #2
    Congrats. I've spent the last year convincing myself I don't need one. I don't. I really don't.
    Blank yo!


    • #3
      I love my MKV. Crunch mode on channel 2 is set up for "vintage metal" and hard rock stuff, channel 3 I use for really heavy stuff, and the clean tone is the best I've heard outside a good Fender.

      I especially like that I can run 90-watt on the clean channel and 45 watt on Channel 2 and/or 3.

      I really don't need mine, either, but life's too short to play through a crappy amp all the time.


      • #4
        congratulations...sweet score for sure!


        • #5
          I tried the GT-8 in the loop of several amps and it always colored the sound. The best effects processor to put in the loop IMHO is the TC Electronics G-Major. Personally, since I only use a few effects, I use a Yamaha SPX90-II. I have also had great success with any of the Rocktron Intellifex units. Thats a great amp you got there! Congratz.
          If you are looking to sell the GT-8 anytime soon let me know. I am looking to get rid of my POD X3 and get a GT-8.


          • #6
            Heya! I ran the GT-8 in front tonight(I need a tutorial on that whole loop thing again) and I had a nice sound(to me) out of it. Rich, thick, cutting lead tones....and nice rhythms. Maybe what sounds "colored" to you, might sound good to me.I'll have to take a ride by some time and see what you feel about it. Who knows, maybe you can take the GT-8. I think I'm selling the JC-77 or should I run two amps? The JC-clean and the MKV dirty? Can it be done?


            • #7
              Originally posted by JZ06 View Post
              Heya! I ran the GT-8 in front tonight(I need a tutorial on that whole loop thing again) and I had a nice sound(to me) out of it. Rich, thick, cutting lead tones....and nice rhythms. Maybe what sounds "colored" to you, might sound good to me.I'll have to take a ride by some time and see what you feel about it. Who knows, maybe you can take the GT-8. I think I'm selling the JC-77 or should I run two amps? The JC-clean and the MKV dirty? Can it be done?
              This is what I would do.. because the Mark V is such a great amp with a tremendous range of tones I would try to keep the tone as pure as possible. If you are going to put anything in the loop, make sure its good. I wouldn't put anything in front of that amp except for a wah and maybe a tuner. What I mean by coloring the tone is this...
              I always thought that Mesa Boogie amps sounded the best with nothing in the loop or out in front. Thats where the tone sounded the best to me. Because you have been using a GT-8 and a SS amp for so long your ears are accustomed to a buffered, smoothed out modeling type tone. Nothing wrong with that but thats probably what is happening. When you plug into the Mark V you are getting a very organic rich pure tube tone with all the little nuances that a tube amp offers. Your ears aren't used to it. Putting the GT-8 out in front smooths out the tube tone and technically adds a processed digital tone to it. I would suggest putting a good effects only processor in the loop of that Mark V and if you are going to put anything in front limit it to a wah with true bypass and play with that set up for a few weeks to retrain your ears to what a REAL quality amp tone sounds like. After all, the Mark V is regarded as one of the best amps on the planet. I never heard one live but I bet its SWEET sounding.
              Just my .02 of course!!


              • #8
                Awesome. You will love the Mark V.

                I don't know a person who can't find something to love about that amp.

                I went from a Mark IV to a Mark V and I like my V better.

                I am considering buying another Recto when I have the money, although I like my ENGLs better, I loved my old EL34-loaded recto as it had a different tone than my ENGLs.
                I like EL34s.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                  Congrats. I've spent the last year convincing myself I don't need one. I don't. I really don't.
                  Believe me, you do.

                  I tried to fight it (I already had a Mark IV)

                  I failed.

                  You need one.

                  Am I helping?
                  I like EL34s.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Grim View Post
                    Am I helping?
                    I'm buying a car and that's all I am currently worried about right now. Right now, that is... once the car is in hand, all bets are off.
                    Blank yo!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                      I wouldn't put anything in front of that amp except for a wah and maybe a tuner.

                      But in addition to the direct/slave out, it has a tuner out... Still works when you step on the mute button, even.


                      • #12
                        Yeah the mark v boogie is a cool amp, and yes the combos they weigh a tonne.Yep dont pick one up and try to keep walking unless you want to hyper extend your arm.
                        I dont get scared but i do get shocked!!


                        • #13
                          You don't need a car, just get a Road King

                          haha, get it?
                          I like EL34s.


                          • #14
                            The GT-8 didn't sound so hot tonight in front. Played with my singer/keyboardist and drummer. Certainly had enough punch even on 10watts. LOL, had to be easy on 'em. I don't know...the sound wasn't nearly as nice as it was here. Perhaps more reverb in the room we played in. Regardless, I'll fool with it some more tomorrow night. Thanks!!


                            • #15
                              Jealous! The combos look sweet. What kind of weight are we talking about?

