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Amp Suggestions please?

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  • #16
    Take a look at the Randall RM amps. Personally.. I think the bedroom is a great place for a modeling amp.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mazz View Post
      Hmm, what's everyone think of the blackstars then? anyone have one of the HTs?
      I have a blackstar ht5 combo as my grab and go amp plus use it for a practice amp when I can't fire up the rivera. It's a killer small amp and the headphone out sounds good. It's also one of the few small amps with an effects loop which is a big plus for me. I got the combo for size/space considerations but you might want to get the head and a closed back 12" cab if it will be your only amp. I've played it through my other 2x12 and 4x12 cabs and it does give it more low end.


      • #18
        Hmm, I might get the HT5 half stack, seems quite nice. ^_^

        Jackson DXMG
        Jackson JS30RR
        Boss ML2 Metalcore Pedal
        Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
        Blackstar HT5H
        Marshall MC212

        Gear I want

        Jackson RR1T Black
        Marshall JCM 800 2203
        Marshall 1960A Cab


        • #19
          Blackstar HT-5 stack
          It's not your job to be as confused as Nigel....


          • #20
            a line 6 flextone should do ya just fine for the bedroom. personnaly i love my roland microcube for the living room jamming.
            Widow - "We have songs"




            • #21
              For the bedroom I have a line 6 also and being I got a vox tonelab I throw that in front Its awesome for low volume to sorta mid volume. Not good for a band but for practice it works.


              • #22
                Mesa Nomad - 3 channels, 2 modes per channel, switchable verb, solo and EQ. Sounds great at bedroom on all channels and really screams if you need. Also, the 100 watt has a half power switch. This is my favorite Mesa to date, and I've had quite a few of them.


                • #23
                  the blackstar ht-5 looks like it has plenty of versatility. which is good when you are in the mood of playing something totally different.

                  I recently bought on ebay for $420 a krank rev jr standard 20wtt with 1x12". It should come this week I hope. And is going to be my first tube amp, just like you. So I can't fully recommend this one, since I don't have it to tell you.

                  But if you decide to buy USED gear. Buy from someone that didn't play the instrument or amp as much, and has it as new as possible.


                  • #24
                    Do what most of the guys do here if you are only going to play in your bedroom. Get a full stack tube amp of at least 100 watts. When you realize you can't turn it up past 2 you can get that nifty $300.00 attenuator that everybody raves about. Then.. when your amp sounds like its got a blanket over the speakers due to over attenuation you will realize that you might have overdone it a little. Seriously... if you want a good tube amp that sounds great at low volumes you can look at the Marshall DSL and TSL 50. The Peavey XXX sounds good at low volumes and so does the JSX. The Carvin MTS3200 sounds good too.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                      if you want a good tube amp that sounds great at low volumes you can look at the Marshall DSL and TSL 50.
                      As an owner of a DSL50, I would say will sound OK... As the more you cranck it, the more it sounds good!!! For me, owning such an amp for only bedroom jamming is overkill. Have you checked the Rebel/Tweaker serie from Egnater (different model from 15 to 30 watts). May be not as heavy as what you are looking for but they are very versatile. I was very impressed by them. I also tried the HT-5 from Blackstar but during that test, I was always coming back to the Egnater.
                      JB aka BenoA

                      Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                      Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                      • #26
                        Not too loud, I'm only a bedroom player.
                        I want a valve amp.
                        Those two don't go together. My 4W Vox head gets loud enough that being in the same room as it hurts my ears.


                        • #27
                          112 Flextone III combo with footswitch. model almost any rig you want for a fair price, at bedroom volumes, that also could be use for band practice with an amp stand.
                          Widow - "We have songs"




                          • #28
                            If you can find a used Rivera Clubster grab it!


                            • #29
                              Jet City JCA20? Mine's plenty capable of decent tone, while at bedroom levels. I put a pedal on front of it, and it gets pretty good gain in my humble opinion.


                              • #30
                                My recommendation for a bedroom amp is the old (early 90's) Peavey Bandit 112. They have killer gain for a solid state amp, they are old so should be plentiful and cheap. Infact a quick search of Ebay finds:

                                The model after this didn't sound nearly as good. The one thing I will say is they often need some work, like all old amps they can be a little fragile. I have had 3 and all of them needed something doing to them, but it balances out, cheaper to buy then spend some on repair and end up slightly better off than if you'd bought a Line 6.

                                But I seem to be in a minority of people looking for old metal tone amps. Just buy a line 6 like everyone else and be done with it!!!

                                If you are after death angel tone I am willing to bet you will get it with this, I was told a long time ago that back in the day the old death/thrash bands would use these in the studio since they often couldn't get the big amps to record well at low (studio) volumes (cheap recordings). I don't know if there is any truth to that but it stands to reason.

