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krank rev jr?

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  • krank rev jr?

    with ZERO experience about TUBE AMPS, I recently bought one on ebay. the half stack rev jr standard with 1x12 cab and the amp head of 20wtts.

    I have never owned a tube amp before. I had a roland combo amp of 15 watts with one speaker of 8" I think. And I wanted to have an amp with some real gain just like a tube amp, that is why I decided to jump into this krank rev jr.

    So I need to know is it true that the tube amps need replacement of it's vacuum tubes every years or so? And do these kind of mini tube amps need maintenense like the real ones?

    Is this kind of mini tube amp really worth the money? I live on an small apartment and needed an amp that doesn't used much space that is why I was looking for a mini half stack that wouldn't ask me for pedals.

    Also how many RMS watts do these amp produces with one 12" speaker? And what is the maximun it can handle? let's say one 4x12" cab
    Last edited by powermacho; 07-12-2010, 05:57 PM.

  • #2
    I would think that any tube amp will need to have it's tubes replaced but that is typically based upon usage. I can't say how many hours you'll get on them but at some point you'll notice a degradation in your tone. At that point, you'll know it's time for new tubes, or if one happens to fail. I've have tubes last for 2 years before I have to place them and I was playing out about twice a month, basically 200 hours on them. Maybe some others can chime in on this.



    • #3
      I've had a JCM2000 for nine years and haven't changed the original tubes. It still sounds great.


      • #4
        I have a friend who has an original Fender Deluxe Reverb with original tubes.
        I like EL34s.


        • #5
          Depends on usage mostly.When you notice the tone change its time.
          Really? well screw Mark Twain.

