Well kind of...
Due to my recent birthday and sale of a Charvel, I've been looking into a new amp head, which I think I need/deserve. I don't know much when it comes to amps, although I know a lot about guitars. Not a good trade off :ROTF:
Back on topic, I'm looking to spend around $1000, but a little more could be done. I have around $600 at the moment and I want a head that'll last my tastes for a while.
I'm looking for an amp with 3 channels; clean, rhythm, and lead. I'd like a rhythm to have good enough "metal" distortion so I don't need a pedal, or have to rely on my lead channel, which I'd like to keep strictly for leads.
I've been checking out the Randall V2 Archetype, and the Peavey 3120. I'm not into death core or metal core, I'm more into death metal, melodic death metal, and thrash, (playing wise).
Can anybody point me in the right direction?