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Difference between Dimebucker and L-500XL

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  • #16
    Originally posted by VoiceX3 View Post
    First, the 500XL sounds good, but is missing that grindy edge a good high gain low noise pickup should have.
    Hmmm. Interesting take. I'd have to say I respectfully disagree with your assessment, at least on my rig. That's probably the defining factor - the amp/settings/effects/chain/etc. My Kelly has grind for days at normal tuning with the 500XL in the bridge position when chained to my Line6 Flextone II HD. She also screams like a banshee on PCP. For me it was just a matter of "tuning" the pickup - adjusting the height by small increments - to find that sweet spot for that gorgeous "chunka-chunka" that I love so much. With my amp set to model a Mesa-Boogie rectifier tone she'll scrub paint from the walls if you let her.

    I think it's simply a matter of "your mileage may vary." I absolutely love mine and am glad I went with it instead of some of the other choices I had in mind at the time.

    Just out of curiosity, what pickup do you favor instead?

    Last edited by Lord_Jereth; 12-21-2010, 01:21 PM.
    "Yes, but ... these go to eleven!"


    • #17
      It may be that it didn't play well with my amps, I dunno. Like I said, it sounded good, but was just short of the tone I was looking for out of it so I couldn't give it a "great" rating. When I did most of my trial and error with these 2 pickups I was playing thru a modded integrated quad 5150 head.

      I do like different pickups for different applications.
      MY KVPro has the Mustaine Live Wires which really come to life in that guitar.
      Soloist has a Jackson J90C in the bridge and 2 J-100s in the middle and neck.
      KV2T has the stock TB4 and SH1N.
      PS3 and KVX have EMG 81/85 sets
      KE3 has the 500XL upside down in the neck and an original EMG 81 (very early production...the EMG is wearing in the bridge, and yes the passive/active pairing does work well.
      KV2 (drop A guitar, strings 11 to 70) has a Dimebucker in the bridge and an SH1N in the neck.
      The Warrior Pro is apart for a refin/restoration and route for the controls of a sustainiac system.
      Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

      Check out the new band at -


      • #18
        Interesting. It looks like you've got quite the arsenal, there. I'm man enough to admit, I'm jealous.

        For educational/posterity's sake, in my situation - poplar, large body guitar (Kelly XLR) playing 80's hard rock and power metal (George Lynch meets James Hetfield) on a late 90's modeling amp with effects chain - what would you have suggested for a bridge pickup?

        "Yes, but ... these go to eleven!"


        • #19
          Originally posted by Lord_Jereth View Post
          Interesting. It looks like you've got quite the arsenal, there. I'm man enough to admit, I'm jealous.

          For educational/posterity's sake, in my situation - poplar, large body guitar (Kelly XLR) playing 80's hard rock and power metal (George Lynch meets James Hetfield) on a late 90's modeling amp with effects chain - what would you have suggested for a bridge pickup?

          There are a ton of pickups that will do 80s hard rock and power metal in poplar.
          I like EL34s.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Grim View Post
            There are a ton of pickups that will do 80s hard rock and power metal in poplar.
            I realize this. Been playing 28 years now. I was just asking what your single choice would have been in my place.

            "Yes, but ... these go to eleven!"


            • #21
              Originally posted by Lord_Jereth View Post
              I realize this. Been playing 28 years now. I was just asking what your single choice would have been in my place.

              Probably a Dimarzio Super Distortion, Evolution, Duncan JB or Duncan Custom. Full Shred might be good too.

              But those are more for the Power Metal side of things. For a more 80s hard rock thing you may want a Tone Zone or Duncan Custom 5/ Custom Custom.

              To be honest, I think any of these would be a better choice than the 500XL, but if it works for you it works.
              I like EL34s.


              • #22
                In poplar, I'm going to lean towards the Mustaine Live Wires. It's like a JB on speed.
                Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                Check out the new band at -


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Lord_Jereth View Post
                  For educational/posterity's sake, in my situation - poplar, large body guitar (Kelly XLR) playing 80's hard rock and power metal (George Lynch meets James Hetfield) on a late 90's modeling amp with effects chain - what would you have suggested for a bridge pickup?

                  Dude, that's easy. A Duncan Distortion (or even Duncan Designed DD).

                  I have a KE3 body with a DK1 neck (so basically the same guitar). It still has the stock duncan designed pickups. The neck is a jazz like model but works great for old school Metallica leads (Fade to Black). The Duncan Designed bridge beats out my Full Shred and Bill Lawrence OEM pickups for being the best pickup for playing Metallica crunch. It's all pretty close but muted string thumping the DD just has the best "thump you in the head" tone.

                  And what did Lynch use before the Screamin Demon came out (he didn't start using until Lynch Mob)? a Duncan Distortion.

                  I'm still holding a super mojo zebra DDJ for another eventual Lynch build (I've had many).

                  The only wrench in my above post is that I use a DSL100 1/2 stack, so I don't know what your rig would do compared to mine.
                  Last edited by DonP; 12-28-2010, 10:15 AM.

