Over the course of the week, I've acquired 2 new amps. One was a gift and the other wasn't.
The First is a Vox Valvetronix VT40+. So far, it's been a hoot to use. It has 33 amp models and much like a Marshall JVM, it uses different colored lights to access them. It has 11 modes and 3 amp models for each mode. Green is one tone, Orange is another and Red is another one as well. It goes like this-
Clean = Dumble Overdrive Special, Roland Jazz Chorus, [3 Band Clean?]
Cali Clean= [Fender?], Fender Tweed, Fender Blackface
US Blues= Fender Bassman, Bruno Cowtiper Pro 22, Trainwreck
US 2x12= [Fender ?], Mesa Lonestar, Bad Cat
VOX AC15= Vox AC15 Channel 1, VOX AC15 Channel 2, VOX Night Train Fuzz
Vox AC30= Top Boost, Hand Wired, Brian May Special
UK Rock= Marshall JTM, Marshall JCM800, Marshall Plexi
UK Metal= Orange Rockerverb, Marshall JVM, Tim Caswell #39 Marshall
US High Gain= Boxner XTC, Soldano SLO, Randall or ENGL?
US Metal= MESA Dual Rectifier, Mesa Mark V, Peavey EVH 5150
Boutique Metal= Suhr OD100SE, Deizel VH4 "Heavy", Deizel VH4
Additionally, each amp model has 3 settings. Those 3 settings each have a color = Basic model> Model + Effect> Song.
It has a built in tuner, effects and you can save up to 10 presets. The best part is that i can plug my headphones into it an not bother the neighbors. The amp is 60 watts coming from a 1x10.
It sounds very tube-like and is nice for a hybrid amp. My favourite amp model so far is either a Vox ac15 or a VH4. I'm still experimenting w/ different tones.
Next is the amp I got. Its an Orange Dual Terror. The funny thing is that while it's called an Orange, It's white. Strange??????? You tell me.
For a 30 watt el34 amp, it's LOUD. The tiny terror channel sounds superb and the fat channel sounds like Fat Albert had a lovechild with a Tangerine. It's thick, but not modern day Marshall thick. It sounds like a tube screamer has been built into the "fat' channel. The half power option is nice too. I can either operate the amp in 30/15/7 watt modes. It gives me a lot of tonal variations.
So far the amp seems best suited to classic rock and hard mock/ metal stuff.
I did an AB comparison with my VOX Night Train and the vox sounded superb clean, but the OD circuit was a let down. On the other hand, the Dual Terror sounded iffy as a clean amp without much headroom, but sounded godly when the gain was rolled on.

Anyone else play one of the new Vox Valvetronix amps or the Orange? Thoughts?
The First is a Vox Valvetronix VT40+. So far, it's been a hoot to use. It has 33 amp models and much like a Marshall JVM, it uses different colored lights to access them. It has 11 modes and 3 amp models for each mode. Green is one tone, Orange is another and Red is another one as well. It goes like this-
Clean = Dumble Overdrive Special, Roland Jazz Chorus, [3 Band Clean?]
Cali Clean= [Fender?], Fender Tweed, Fender Blackface
US Blues= Fender Bassman, Bruno Cowtiper Pro 22, Trainwreck
US 2x12= [Fender ?], Mesa Lonestar, Bad Cat
VOX AC15= Vox AC15 Channel 1, VOX AC15 Channel 2, VOX Night Train Fuzz
Vox AC30= Top Boost, Hand Wired, Brian May Special
UK Rock= Marshall JTM, Marshall JCM800, Marshall Plexi
UK Metal= Orange Rockerverb, Marshall JVM, Tim Caswell #39 Marshall
US High Gain= Boxner XTC, Soldano SLO, Randall or ENGL?
US Metal= MESA Dual Rectifier, Mesa Mark V, Peavey EVH 5150
Boutique Metal= Suhr OD100SE, Deizel VH4 "Heavy", Deizel VH4
Additionally, each amp model has 3 settings. Those 3 settings each have a color = Basic model> Model + Effect> Song.
It has a built in tuner, effects and you can save up to 10 presets. The best part is that i can plug my headphones into it an not bother the neighbors. The amp is 60 watts coming from a 1x10.
It sounds very tube-like and is nice for a hybrid amp. My favourite amp model so far is either a Vox ac15 or a VH4. I'm still experimenting w/ different tones.
Next is the amp I got. Its an Orange Dual Terror. The funny thing is that while it's called an Orange, It's white. Strange??????? You tell me.
For a 30 watt el34 amp, it's LOUD. The tiny terror channel sounds superb and the fat channel sounds like Fat Albert had a lovechild with a Tangerine. It's thick, but not modern day Marshall thick. It sounds like a tube screamer has been built into the "fat' channel. The half power option is nice too. I can either operate the amp in 30/15/7 watt modes. It gives me a lot of tonal variations.
So far the amp seems best suited to classic rock and hard mock/ metal stuff.
I did an AB comparison with my VOX Night Train and the vox sounded superb clean, but the OD circuit was a let down. On the other hand, the Dual Terror sounded iffy as a clean amp without much headroom, but sounded godly when the gain was rolled on.

Anyone else play one of the new Vox Valvetronix amps or the Orange? Thoughts?