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  • Nad!!

    New (to me) Randall MTS RM100M with new tubes and a KH1 and 1086 modules on the way..Woohoo!!! Pics when I get it. Now to sell the peavey and crate...:think:
    Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!

  • #2
    Get ready...LOUD AS FUCK! Congrats! (oh - and wear a back brace while moving...)


    • #3
      Yeah those suckers are heavy as hell. Just be careful dealin over at the mts forum. Dont buy from redwitch. Congrats on the new addition. Mind if i ask what u got it for?


      • #4
        If you buy modded mods, have Pete do it. He's the MAN, and IMHO, his work is unequaled.


        • #5
          Loud and heavy, that's what I heard.. lol. I got it off the MTS forum but not from redwitch. Got the head for $475 shipped. It's got all new tubes (pre and power). Also got a stock KH-1 and 1086 for $115 each. I couldn't find better prices anywhere else. All 3 were at the bottom end of prices I saw on ebay and craigslist (while they were around) so went for it.

          Once I sell some stuff I'm gonna look at some mods. I hear about Gigmods and Jaded faith quite a bit. Salvation (Czech rep)may be an issue by the time I get that going cause as I understand EU shipping is about to get worse..
          Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


          • #6
            Jaded faith does great work. I got an xtc modded by him. I actually did some shirts for his band too. Really cool guy. I think lhrocker now owns my old xtc module. He sold his bogner shortly after buyin it.


            • #7
              I bought a folding trolley to make it easier to haul mine around.
              Hail yesterday


              • #8
                I'll hopefully only be carrying it up to the studio and never lifting it again. I'm not in a band. I just really like the idea of the versatility of these. Could have got away with a RM20 or 50 but I just love big'uns for some reason.. Same with boobs..
                Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jdr94 View Post
                  Jaded faith does great work. I got an xtc modded by him. I actually did some shirts for his band too. Really cool guy. I think lhrocker now owns my old xtc module. He sold his bogner shortly after buyin it.
                  Yup, I still have the JF modded XTC - killer module. And I did sell my Bogner shortly after acquiring it. I also have a Friedman modded SL+ which also rocks. Unfortunately, since I got my VHT Sig:X, the amp may go soon, either whole or in pieces...


                  • #10
                    From everything I've seen the modules can be modded to sound like pretty much anything. Pretty kickass and I haven't even gotten it yet..
                    Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                    • #11
                      I had a JF mod and a couple Gigmods. Pete's work was unequalled. I wasn't all that impressed with my JF, but many are.

                      Good luck, and enjoy your herniated discs!


                      • #12
                        Never had other modded modules except the two I sent to Pete. I got an XTC and an SL+ modded by Pete and they both kick butt! btw, if you need a clean sound to fill that third slot in the MTS head check out the Blackface module. The Blackface is an incredible sounding clean stock right out of the box. Oh, and the prices you got your head and module for were really good, Congrats!


                        • #13
                          From some of what I read I understand that the KH1 I got is very similar to the Blackface but doesn't distort as early. Not to mention I love the clean sound on Sanitarium, Fade to Black, etc.. I can't wait for it to get here. Says scheduled for friday so patiently holding my breath..
                          Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                          • #14
                            You got a great deal for sure.
                            We expect a review of course.
                            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                            • #15
                              $475 is a great deal for a rm100 head!

                              I've had a rm100 combo, rm100 head and a rm20 combo. The only reason I sold them was because it ends up being a money pit.

                              My favourite mods were the stock 1086 and a Salvation MatchVox. Salvation has some killer mods!

