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new amp!!

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  • new amp!!

    i wanted a little amp for jamming in the living room. i tried quite a few:

    VOX nighttrain - loved but only one tone
    Blackstar HT5 - thought it was awful
    Egnater Rebel 20 - really liked the tube blend option, but it left me wanting more
    Egnater Rebel 30 - gave me everything i would want if i were gonna gig with one of these little heads
    Mesa trans-atlantic - eh, too complicated and pricey for playing along with TV commericals
    Egnater tweaker - PERFECT!!!!!

    the tweaker sounds good with every guitar i have...i set up a good sound, grab a guitar and the good sound is still there AND the natural characteristic of the guitar is there!!! a strat sounds like a strat, a tele like a tele, EMG loaded guitars sound metal....

    i have not been able to get a horrible sound yet. the tone shaping options are stunning!!! aside from the normal controls like master, treb, mid, bass, gain, there is a vintage/modern switch. there is also a 3 position switch that changes the "channels," USA, AC, and Brit. there is another switch that changes from "clean" to "hot". there was a lot of gain varities available between the switch positions. it was not as cut and dry as it would seem. finally, there are 2 other tone shaping switches labeled "bright/normal" and "tight/deep".

    the vintage/modern switch doesn't cut the output at the power section like a lot of these little heads, it changes the response OF the power section - like the pentode/triode switch on my rivera amps. i was able to coax some menacing sounds from this little head just by playing with that switch. i could go from a tweed-type sound to a boogie MK-type setting on the "USA" channel in vintage mode. the "Brit" channel would go from plexi to JCM800. of course, a lot of it has to do with how the other switches were set - but my settings for all of these comments was:

    vintage/modern - vintage
    master - 9:00
    USA/AC/Brit - varied

    treble - 11:00
    mid - 3:00
    bass - 11:00

    hot/clean - varied
    gain - 2:00

    bright/normal - bright
    tight/deep - tight

    the guitars i played with tonight were my '62 strat, epi LP, PRS and EMG jackson. like i said - i could NOT get a bad sound out of this little 15 watter. when i grabbed the EMG jackson, flipped to to the "AC" channel, put it on modern, hot, bright then deep - i got a sound VERY related to the orange channel of a boogie triple rec in the raw mode.

    took the same sound, plugged the PRS in and i sound like every screamo band that used a PRS/boogie combo. the strat? i had to roll back a little gain, but it was a tight modern blues tone. the epi LP? crunchy rock-n-roll. all of that without changing anything.

    not bad for a $399 head. i am digging the 6V6 power tubes, and the effects loop works geat. i fooled around with putting the fender tube reverb in the loop and my zoom 507 pedal.

    anyway, on to the pictures....

    my living room rig....


    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!

  • #2
    Looks neat. Happy NAD!
    I like EL34s.

