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Randall RM100 - 1086 issue - thoughts??

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  • Randall RM100 - 1086 issue - thoughts??

    I posted this over at the MTS forum but wanted to see if anyone here had any opinions. Now that I've had a chance to mess around with my setup for a little while (RM100, KH1, 1086, Carvin 4x12 with Celestion G12T-100's), no efx or anything, I love the KH1 - very nice clean, exactly what I like. But the 1086 seems to be lacking in gain and low end grunt. I like a pretty bassy/chuggy tone (love the G12T-100's for the low end). Issue is the same playing through my Model 6 (JB, Duckbucker, little '59 - E std), '90 Soloist PRO (SH5 Custom, little '59 neck - Eb), and '93 USA Soloist Custom (Dimarzio SD, SDS-1 neck - E std). All have 9-42's. If I'm playing something A string or above, open or muting, it's nice with a good chug when I'm muting. But muting open E has no grunt, literally like as if I turn the gain and bass down to 2 everytime I hit that string. I've never really had this problem before. Everything from low mids up sounds great. The KH1 has tons of bass on hand but the 1086 seems to fall off under an A note. I listened to a bunch of clips with stock 1086's and mine with the gain dimed and boost on, I'm not even close to the clips. It has a Mesa 12ax7 in V1 and a JJ in V2. I tried a "high gain" JJ, and EH, and a Sovtek in V1 and not much (if any) difference in the amout of gain. Settings I have it at are (o'clock) Gain-3, Bass-3, Mid-11, Treble-3, Level-10, Master-10, Presence-2, Density-3. Other than sending it off for a mod, anything I can try? Thoughts - suggestions?
    Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!

  • #2
    I was underwhelmed by it, it seemed like it needed an OD in front of or something to me, i mainly used the ultra xl when i had mine.


    • #3
      I have a ZW-44 I may try in front. Or maybe an EQ, my MXR's have level and gain's. I just don't want to have to hit a bunch of switches when switching module to module.
      Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


      • #4
        there are other modules that are pretty cool sounding i probably wouldn't even bother, maybe mod it or something but i'd rather have one of dave friedmans brown or the like mods, also that salvation i think it was guys mods are really sick as well.


        • #5
          I don't have the cash for the pro modders' works right now or I'd be on it. Out of curiosity, what amp would you compare that Ultra XL to?
          Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


          • #6
            Well, modding is essentially only the cost of a new module if you already have a module you don't like

            Though I don't own one, I heard the Ultra XL comes very close towards a 5150
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            • #7
              The Ultra is awesome. Tons of gain. Very smooth. Sounds to me like a heavily modded JCM800. Its not as grainy as a 5150.
              I use it as my lead channel on my RM100.
              I use a Blackface for clean, an XTC for rhythm and the Ultra for solo's. Couldn't be happier.
              All bone stock modules.


              • #8
                If your not getting low end from your 1086 but still like the the module sounds get it modded. Get on the randall forum and check out some of the Jade mods or others, but no low end punch sound to me like theres something wrong with the module. My ultra xl kicks ass for a heavy rythem and I use my Mr. scary for lead tones. Then again I use my Mr. scary for any tone except clean. My Mr. scary is the one module I would not give up. The Blackface kicks ass for clean.


                • #9
                  Well, sort of an update... I finally got the KH1 and that is in my opinion the PERFECT clean sound. There was a mix up so I was waiting to compare the low freq from any other module to see if it was actually the 1086 that had no bass or if it was something else. The KH1 goes all the way from way too much of the lowest bass I've heard from a guitar to the brightest and all points in between. So it's definitely the module.

                  However... I put my MXR M108 EQ in the loop and holy shit what a difference. Every bit of every frequency I could want and tons of gain. I was hoping to keep this setup just guitar> amp> speakers but I guess I revert to what I've said a ton of times before... Every amp need an EQ in the loop for me.

                  Now, what to do about the 1086.. I've asked on the MTS board too. It is from all accounts supposed to be a very tight sounding module but with no EQ help, it's ridiculous. The general sound of it I like but it's missing alot for me. I got some ideas for a few mods (without paying for a pro mod yet), but still seems like there may be something "off" with this module to start with. I'd like to spend my cash getting some more modules to see what I like instead of getting them modded right now. I don't have any dealers real close so I don't have much chance to try them out. I'm gonna play it with the EQ for now while I collect some parts just in case. If I get a chance, I'll put up some clips with and without the EQ and you'll see what I mean.
                  Last edited by warlok; 01-15-2011, 11:36 PM.
                  Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by warlok View Post
                    Every amp need an EQ in the loop for me.

                    Now, what to do about the 1086.. The general sound of it I like but it's missing alot for me.
                    Dito..and Dito, the same exact thing i experienced with the 1086.


                    • #11
                      My 1086 must be different from yours because I have it in my RM100 right now next to my Ultra XL and while it is not as grainy sounding as the XL it is still super heavy sounding with the gain boost switch to the right and the mid switch to the left. I find the 1086 quite flexible for use in my RM20 combo and head because of the gain and mid switches. The Ultra module is still my favorite high gainer with Ultra XL a close second.
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                      Tacoma DR14 DM14 JR55
                      Ibanez Artcore AM77, AF125NT,AS93


                      • #12
                        Honestly I wonder if there's 2 versions of the 1086, or something that goes bad in some of them..?? I was just on the mts forum and every thread that mentions it has 1 of 2 things about it. Either "most versatile, tons of gain, very heavy and clear and articulate" or "no bottom end, low gain, doesn't do it for me". I listened to every clip I can find and they are all praising and sound good with nice heavy gain and low end. But me and a bunch of others say exactly the opposite about ours. My PC's audio is an Echo Mia soundcard out to Event 20/20bas monitors so it's not like I'm using laptop speakers to review. Mine (and others) are just not even close...
                        Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                        • #13
                          It is a tube preamp module, is it not?

                          Perhaps a/the tube is on it's way out?


                          • #14
                            I tried a bunch of preamp tubes (known good ones) and not much difference. I recorded a few short riffs today (as a .wav) with just the 1086, and then with the EQ on, and the sound was night and day different live. But then when I exported it as a .mp3, it was way, way compressed and actually sounded better (but still flat and crappy) without the EQ, and a bit over the top gain and ice-picky on the highs with the EQ. I need to mess with this thing more... Sounds shitty live but OK as .mp3. I didn't think it'd be that different..
                            Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                            • #15
                              I made a profile and uploaded but can't get to it from work to link if you want to hear the difference. It's just a few riffs messing around to hear the difference. Profile is warlok1469 if you can search it there.
                              Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!

