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Anyone using a rack mount tube preamp?

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  • Anyone using a rack mount tube preamp?

    I'm building a new rack for home recording, and I'd like some input.

    Ive used (and am currently leaning towards) the ADA MP-1 or MP-2. Ive used them, and like them, but I'm always open to new ideas and am curious as to what you guys are using.

    I play mostly 80s / 90s and "progressive" metal. So I'm looking for something with hi-gain abilities. I also prefer tubes, but if I were to find a good sounding solid state unit, I'd listen with an open mind (ear).

    Thanks in advance for any input.

  • #2
    I like the ADAs, but you definitely should price out some of the old Rocktron preamps, as well as the Peavey Rockmaster. I'm a big Rockmaster fan, specifically for its aggressive rhythm tone. For recording solos, I use a solid state ART DST-4, which is also quite nice and (unlike the Rockmaster) can be operated by either a two-button 1/4" footswitch or via MIDI.


    • #3
      I still have the Digitech GSP 2101 limited edition (I believe I bought it back in 1995), but I haven't used it in years, however it's a killer sounding processor and it has a duel processing chips and two tubes. If you can score one cheap (or even the artist series) from here or ebay, you won't regret it.
      -Metal wouldn't be the same without Pointy guitars-


      • #4
        I love my Ada Mp-1 mod 4 MkII to death, second choice would probably be an Engl e530.


        • #5
          I've owned 2 Rockmasters. Both were inexpensive. I currently use a Pinelli modded Peavey Rockmaster. He added more girth to the sound and fixed all my loose connections. I haven't had a need to own another tube preamp.


          • #6
            I've owned a JMP-1
            Still own a
            Rocktron Piranha (bought new)
            Hafler Triple Giant (2nd hand)
            ADA MP-1 (2nd hand)
            Randall RM4 (bought new)

            -JMP-1: Marshall in a box, except for it's time even had a decent clean sound, not a massive hi-gainer, got it cheap back then, today I find the prices 'daunting'

            -Rocktron Piranha: Modern sound, clean not really worth it (requiered a lot of work to get decent), crunch to moderate high gain doing it well,
            but onwards to eleven it becomes a buzzy, fizzy, raspy hi-gainer
            and even though it had a programmable midsweep, I still can't really say it has many tonal capabilities
            Very VERY nice speaker sims (comparing to Red Box passive speaker DI), still use those thru the fx loop for my ADA and Randall, but that's all I'm using of the Piranha atm
            for my budget then expensive, about the same level as the Randall, but getting a lot less featurewise

            -Hafler Triple Giant: Lots of tubes, VERY NICE clean channel, crunch channel is nice but just misses that hair over get it over the top (pedal boost may make this a great one)
            Hi gain channel fizzy, and loses definition quick, got it cheap back then

            -ADA MP-1 is the top dog
            Though tonewise a bit one-dimensional it does do everything well
            Great from clean to distortion, from Pristine to Assaulting, solid state clean also a very nice addition, chorus -though not my thing- sounds about as good as a decent pedal
            (with the solidstate clean think a good Roland JC-120 imitation)
            Looking at the price (and even today, though units may start reaching the end of their component lifespan) a very very good deal

            -Randall RM4: Soundwise/features, I probably won't get better than something along the lines of 11rack or Axe-FX, for tube purists that wish for those legendary sounds, I'm guessing atm
            it just might be the top (well, except maybe it's mother, the Egnater MTS series)
            Get into modifying the modules and you can get more tricks done than a straight David Copperfield
            Don't like a module? sell/buy or trade, untill you either have one you like or just mod it into something you like
            It's only downfall is its price (things quickly add up), though second hand things look more enjoyable
            BUT, I never had the budget for say a Mesa Triaxis, the RM4 enabled me to get the unit and 1 module, later added another, and another, then filled the four slots and had 1 of the modules modded (at least 2 more mods will be done in the future)
            it's beyond a Triaxis already, but I didn't have to flush my bankaccount in one go
            and I can still have a makeshift triaxis tone if I buy/mod to a Mesa voiced module
            "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

            -"You like Anime"



            • #7
              ADA MP-1 3.666 Mod
              Peavey Rockmaster

              Rocktron Chameleon SS for backup

              Out Of Ideas


              • #8
                If you've got money to spend, the ENGL E570 is incredible. The E530 is much cheaper, but nowhere near as flexible.
                I like EL34s.


                • #9
                  Rocktron Prophesy and ADA MP-1 here. Both are great. The Rocktron gets used probably twice as much as the ADA, but the MP-1 is still going nowhere. VHT 50CL heads beats both by a large margin though, and gets twice as often as the Mark VI. Which gets used twice as often as the Prophesy. I think you got the picture by now.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the input guys. At least now I have a few new options .. always a good thing.
                    A Mesa Triaxis or Rectifier preamp are my first choices, with the Rocktron Prophesy II a close follower. But, honestly, I cant justify $1000+ for a preamp. Ive seen them a bit cheaper, but I wont shell our that kind of cash on an item Ive never seen or heard (aka FeeBay))

                    So Im leaning towards ADA or Rocktron Voodu. They seem to be the most affordable for a musician on a budget.
                    Last edited by Brozz; 01-14-2011, 09:23 AM.


                    • #11
                      I'll throw another vote in there for the ENGL e530. I picked one up on eBay for about $400 and I think it sounds great. Tons of gain and both low and high mid controls to tailor the sound.

                      The only downside is that it doesn't support MIDI, but the sound/price ratio makes it a winner.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Brozz View Post
                        So Im leaning towards ADA or Rocktron Voodu. They seem to be the most affordable for a musician on a budget.
                        I have the voodu and was quite impressed with the distortion and effects, esp. for the price. The clean setting isn't the cleanest, more like a low gain.
                        "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


                        • #13
                          MP-1's are great but kind of unrealiable cause always starting malfunctions. Now I use a Vox Tonelab (not rack) those are great.

                          Jackson DK2M (07')

                          Jackson PS-4 (99'?)

                          Charvel Model 5 (86')

                          Randall RG50TC

                          Maxon OD-9


                          • #14
                            anyone still use or ever used a Rocktron Gainiac?


                            • #15
                              I remember back in the 90's in Ohio, seeing one of those Jackson pre's with the "Shred" channel. How about one of those?

