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Mono Rig Question

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  • Mono Rig Question

    Just a question about running a mono rig.

    Peavey 6505 head.

    6505 FX Loop:

    Rack (not in order):

    BBE Maximizer
    Multi FX Unit

    2x12 Cab.

    If let's say the chorus is named "Stereo Chorus", will there be any problems NOT running the whole rig in stereo? For stereo there should be two "outs" on the effects unit right? so if i use one of them; right or left?

  • #2
    You shouldn't have any problems. Every "Stereo Chorus" that I've seen can be run in mono or stereo.


    • #3
      Check the manual to see which output is "mono". Or, post the make / model and Im sure someone can tell you which one to use.
      Or, just try both, you wont hurt anything by trying. Unless of course, you see smoke ...


      • #4
        okay, thanks for the replys

        i now have another two questions

        1. which one of right or left should i never use to connect my head to my cabinet for mono? don't know if you can use both, i read something somewhere sometime...

        2. will i be able to control the whole rack with a midi foot controller like lets say i want to use preset 2 on the verb and preset 7 on the chorus, and store a patch in the midiboard for that?

        or if i want to bypass everything and just use the tuner?


        • #5
          Hmm, lets see ....

          Question 1. You'll need to check your items documentation for the details. Usually though, its marked on the output jack panel if there is a specific jack for mono operation.

          Question 2. That depends on your rig, and how you have it set up.


          • #6
            Typically the left channel is the "mono" channel in stereo capable gear.
            GTWGITS! - RacerX


            • #7
              Originally posted by Brozz View Post
              Hmm, lets see ....

              Question 1. You'll need to check your items documentation for the details. Usually though, its marked on the output jack panel if there is a specific jack for mono operation.

              Question 2. That depends on your rig, and how you have it set up.
              from amp fx loop chain all the way through all the effects and back into amp

              from midiboard cable to first unit, then from out to in on the next and so on.


              • #8
                The left output on almost every stereo piece of gear is mono. Use that one.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by devreaux View Post
                  from amp fx loop chain all the way through all the effects and back into amp

                  from midiboard cable to first unit, then from out to in on the next and so on.
                  you will have to check the documentation for each component in your rig. Some are midi compatible and others aren't. You haven't stated the specifics of most of your gear, so any advice based on the information you have provided will be purely conjecture.

                  Generally, your rig can be entirely midi controlled. What that entails (and what other gear you need to make it happen) will depend on what gear you are using.
                  Hail yesterday

