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2X12 decisions

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  • 2X12 decisions

    I've been researching 2X12 cabs. I'd like a matching pair to run stereo and replace my mono 5150 4X12.
    Since I have 4 speakers, I've been leaning towards empty cabs. Empty is also a wise economic choice. My dilema is that I keep coming back to brand new Jet City 2X12 cabs that are cheaper LOADED than any empties on the market.
    Is Jet City = Soldano "made in China"? Are these good cabs? How about the Eminence speakers? Anyone?

    I've read some positive posts here about Orange but the price out of the park. Avatar Contemporary cabs look like Orange and much less pricey.

  • #2
    It may be even cheaper to re-wire your 4x12 to make it two 2x12's in stereo. Not as portable as two 2x12's but a hell of a lot cheaper.


    • #3
      i play stereo, and am currently running a stereo 4X12 iinstead of my normal rivera/mesa 2X12 set up. don't get a "stereo" 4X12 unless it has internal baffles to separate the sides. running a pair of 2X12's will sound WAY better.

      regarding the jet city cabs...i haven't tried them, but i will say i am a firm believer in the quality of the cab reflecting on the tone of the cab. meaning, the better the cab the better the sound.

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        The best 2x12 that I've come across is the ported CAA model. The sound coming out of that small 2x12 is unbelievable. I have it loaded with a pair of Scumback M75s and it rivals my Marshall 4x12s for low end thump.

