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Cheap Harley Benton 2x12 cab.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Endrik View Post
    not only HB's cab but many other things too, horrible company, everything is just plain cheap
    true, except for the part with the g212 cab. to me, this thing has a great "bang for the buck" value and is a great 2x12 if you're on a budget.
    for sure, there is better stuff out there, but not in this price range.


    • #17
      Originally posted by no-one View Post
      true, except for the part with the g212 cab. to me, this thing has a great "bang for the buck" value and is a great 2x12 if you're on a budget.
      for sure, there is better stuff out there, but not in this price range.
      well i don't know what to buy. i am very low on budget and bying a more expensive cab will force me to sit with my 6505 and no cab for like a month. maybe it's worth waiting, maybe not.

      thing is the cab i've borrowed now has some kind of speaker in it made in italy, think its "RNS" or something. i have a bandit 112 standing next to my head and the cabinet, and when i compare them, i don't hear THAT much difference.
      ofcourse the 6505 head has better dynamics and you come through the amp much better as a guitarist, it also sounds ALOT better when you bring the volume up compared to the bandit trans combo.

      but everything seems just like the difference between a soloist and a dinky; there is some but it's not the whole world


      • #18
        It has the same celestions that come in more expensive cabinets, and is made from plywood with a 3 year warranty. I dont' see the issue.

