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BUGERA 333xl.....

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  • BUGERA 333xl.....

    Really impressed with this very affordable amp....
    so i bought one....what the hell....mostly outta curiosity and great reviews.
    It has great vintage tones as well as a killer lead channel for really massive distortion...
    And I thought My Bogner had bottom end...Holy Sh*t
    plus a built in noise gate..
    cannot go wrong for less than 600.00

    youtube it at...
    not the best video of it...cannot hear the real bottom end, but gives an idea.

    I've owned:

    jcm 800's
    Bogner uberschall's
    Peavey 5150
    all the mesa rec's
    blue voodoo
    jcm 2000
    jcm 900
    The list goes on and on
    and this guy can match up with all these......
    I can honestly say from a bro to a bro this "IS" the best amp (HEAD) for the $$$$$ hands down.
    Although I can say the Bugera cab is only good for taking up room and maybe to sit on. in other words (its SH*T)
    I like it through my lynch Marshall 1960's sound great but the lynch handles the bottoms better.

    great amp...I stand by it!!! Especially at it's price.

    Hand-built 120-Watt amplifier driven by 4 x EL34 valves (convertible to 6L6)
    Classic 3-channel preamp design (Clean, Crunch, Lead) featuring 4 x 12AX7 valves for
    terrifying punch and mind-blowing gain
    Integrated high-class reverb with dedicated Reverb control
    XL switches on the Lead and Crunch channels for absolute killer sounds
    Independent Equalizer sections for each channel with dedicated Bass, Mid and Treble Control
    Classic Presence control for awesome sound shaping
    Impedance switch (4, 8 and 16 Ohms) to match virtually any speaker cabinet
    FX Loop with independent Send and Return level controls also serves as Boost function
    Heavy-duty footswitch for Channel selection and FX Loop/Boost function included
    Line output with dedicated Level control
    High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
    Last edited by Guitar_Symphony; 02-24-2011, 12:15 AM.

  • #2
    Honestly, I went to try one out and get it a while ago. I thought it sounded like shit. Really bad.. But I do suspect it was the cab that sucked... And Sam Ass people are dicks and lost the sale anyway when I asked If I could use the DK2 with duncans on the wall because it was close to what I use normally and they brought me a LTD with EMGs and walked away..
    Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


    • #3
      Yeah i played one through the Bugera cab ....and yeah it sounded brittle and tin like....but through a good cab (marshall/mesa etc)....its a night and day diff......I never liked it either at first but when i went to a buddy's house he runs 2 of them through marshall 1960b cabs as his live was mind changing......try putting it through another cab next the slightest changes in the treb and mids changes this amp alot. Its kinda picky.

      p.s. No one should play an Amp through a crappy cab...Speakers are a huge part of your sound.
      Last edited by Guitar_Symphony; 02-24-2011, 01:45 AM.


      • #4
        I bought mine last year and love it. sounds great at relly low volumes too. Wish I could crank it to see what it sounds like at good volumes.


        • #5
          I've had mine for quite a while now, have gigged it hard, heavily and never had an issue. Kept up perfectly with my other guitarists VHT Ultralead too.

          Here's the link to my initial review thread

          Originally posted by warlok View Post
          Honestly, I went to try one out and get it a while ago. I thought it sounded like shit. Really bad.. But I do suspect it was the cab that sucked... And Sam Ass people are dicks and lost the sale anyway when I asked If I could use the DK2 with duncans on the wall because it was close to what I use normally and they brought me a LTD with EMGs and walked away..
          Dude, it was the doubt. If they tried to hand me a guitar of their choice I wouldn't take it. It's not like you asked to play an expensive guitar, that's just assonine.
          Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

          Check out the new band at -


          • #6
            I would actually go as far as to say it was the shop. Kinda hard to enjoy equipment when you drive 80 miles just for that and you're turned off soon as you get there. Fuck Sam Ass..

            That being said, I did really drive up there just to try and A-B 333xl and a XXX because of the great reviews and clips I heard. "played one through the Bugera cab ....and yeah it sounded brittle and tin like.." is a good explanation with the Bugera cab. So I wouldn't turn away from it because of the cab. I think it probably would sound good through a better cab.
            Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


            • #7
              But does it do a good, vintage, "ACDC"ish sound?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chief_CrazyTalk View Post
                But does it do a good, vintage, "ACDC"ish sound?
                If you search my posts you'll find a few detailed reviews. The crunch channel will do everything from AC/DC to George Lynch, Warren DeMartini and all the great 80"s tones. It is unbelievably versitile. Just use the search function and you'll see.
                Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                Check out the new band at -


                • #9
                  Originally posted by VoiceX3 View Post
                  If you search my posts you'll find a few detailed reviews. The crunch channel will do everything from AC/DC to George Lynch, Warren DeMartini and all the great 80"s tones. It is unbelievably versitile. Just use the search function and you'll see.

                  and thats why i love it...

                  Dokken Baby !!!!

