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Mesa Mark IV guys...

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  • #31
    I am holding out for the Mark VIII because I heard its going to sound twice as good as the Mark IV.
    The Mesa Mark series amps are great. Always were, always will be.


    • #32


      • #33
        I have never played a Mark IV, but I read the best amp advice ever on the Splawn Forum a while back. a guy told me to dial in an amp with my EARS, not my EYES. it dont matter what your knobs are set at. if its 1 or 10, it dont matter. there is a reason the knobs go from 0-10, to provide options. so dont worry about what the damn settings are, just LISTEN and set the amp to your liking. best bet is get a guitar buddy to sit by the amp and turn knobs while you play, and just ask for more or less bass, treble, gain, etc...... and set the amp up so you like the way it sounds, not what the knobs "should be". Just forget the numbers, and listen. I did that on all my amps and came up with pure sonic bliss in every case. try it. you will be surprized.
        "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder

