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NAD, ENGL Content

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  • NAD, ENGL Content

    So, as we saw in my other thread, I had a line on a Powerball. The deal was, my 6505+ halfstack for the Powerball head. I was a little hesitant at first about the deal because the 6505 cab was my good cab.

    Well, the cab I demoed the Powerball through was the guys Bugera 6262 cab. Not crap, about on par with my Randall cab. It sounded fucking hellish through that cab, so immediately my woes about the cab quality vanished. I was totally sold, though, I drove 80 miles for this thing, so I guess I was sold to begin with, but this really put the icing on the cake.

    Anyhow, so the guy goes to demo my 6505. First chord, practically nothing. Fuck! What the hell, I drove 80 miles for this and my amp shits. After some quick troubleshooting, it was determined it was something in his pedal chain. Fuckin A right! So, hes tweeking the EQ, gettin down close to the speakers, realy Eric Johnson-ing the thing. Finally, "Yeah, this will do." Awesome.

    So ask him in a very direct, pronounced manner, "are you sure?" I ask this because, while theres nothing wrong with the 6505+ in any way shape or form, even with head and cab together, Im getting ready to walk away $400 richer in resale.

    He says yeah, I say cool, and we proceed back down to my truck to load it up. In my head I was thinking, lets get the fuck out of here before he changes his mind.

    This guys probably 21- 23 years old and a damn good guitarist. Id been going back and forth with him for like a month about this. One day hes up for it, the next hes not. Weeks go by without any contact then asks me if Im still interested. I tell him yes, but he doesnt want to trade straight up anymore. Wants my head plus cash. Another week or two goes by and he calls me again(last night). Says hes cool with the even swap again. I was a little hesitant to even talk to him again because of all the wishy washy BS, but I went ahead and told him Id be down there today.

    The rest is history, recent though it may be.

    Anyhow, the amp. ENGL Powerball I, maybe 7.5-8 of 10, a little beat, but not bad. Everything works, though he took most of the silk screening off the face, the clean channel does some sort of funky hesitation when switching to it some times and it didnt come with the male/female db9 cable for the z5 foot switch. Luckily my dad had a couple I can link together until I order one.

    Heres pics:

    He removed the function lettering but left the dial marks.

    Sharpie to the rescue later.

    The tone. Im tickled to death with it so far, just after a couple hours and reasonable volume levels. I cant wait to crank it at practice sat and we have a show sun. There is a lot of stuff you can do to manipulate the tone on this beast. I had to read the manual. Id have something good going and Id hit a button and loose it, and not remember exactly what I hit, no thanks to the unmarked knobs and buttons. All is well now that Ive had some time to mess with it and have the z5 hooked to it.

    Really looking forward to jammin out with it and doing the last little bit of studio work with it for the up coming CD. Which incidentally has/ will have the Fireball, 6505+ and the Powerball on it. I may even go back and redo one track on each tune with the Powerball, as most were done with the 6505+. I think that would be a killer combination.

    Anyhow, phew, what a long post. That is all, for now.
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  • #2
    I would have asked for $500 for having to re-screen the faceplate... Seriously, what in any way makes it 'cooler' to have nothing written on the front? Well at least it doesn't affect how it sounds which is the most important, but it would annoy me hehe.

    Grats on the new toy. I think I'm good on guitars for now and need to work on amp selection myself.
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #3
      why on earth would he remove the writing? Ah well, as long as your happy with how it sounds. I'm sure a local print shop could do something to help you fix up the front panel. Get some labels done up or something.
      Hail yesterday


      • #4
        He said he just did it to all of them because SOME of them had started to chip off. My Fireball had that going on too, but yeah, why throw out the baby with the bath water. Im gonna contact ENGL maybe about a replacement chassis, if it it isnt god aweful pricey, I may buy one and transfer the guts. Otherwise, Sharpie doesnt bother me. I dont think anyone else would turn it down because it has Sharpie writing on it, sure as hell wont bug me, just so long as I know whats what on the damn thing.
        HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


        • #5
          You could probably get some vinyl or waterslide style decals to put on there or something. Of course I don't know who does that, but I bet someone does.
          GTWGITS! - RacerX


          • #6
            So, how does it compare to the

            Just your first impression..'specially high gain tones.

            Yes, keep the 6505 tracks and blend them..that should sound killer!

            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
              You could probably get some vinyl or waterslide style decals to put on there or something. Of course I don't know who does that, but I bet someone does.
              that's the sort of thing I was thinking of but couldn't articulate.

              much cheaper & quicker than a chassis swap and looks a buttload better than sharpie
              Hail yesterday


              • #8
                Yeah, these days you can probably buy decal sheets for inkjet printers and just print up your own even.
                GTWGITS! - RacerX


                • #9
                  That or I have a label maker gun you can borrow, its a fancy one even. Lol

                  But anyway, grats man, should post some new clips.
                  I'm going to give you the keys to the Lamborghini


                  • #10
                    Alright, Im tired as fuck because I didnt sleep well last night after we had what we think may have been a wanna be intruder(we think, I found no evidence, just heard an odd noise). Anyhow, Billz, heres a review thus far.
                    Id like to start out by saying that there was nothing wrong with the 6506+. Its a damn good amp and if I had the scratch, Id have both. The Powerball just happens to be one of two amps that Ive always wanted and had the opportunity to snag it for a deal.

                    Clean: Very useable. Nice and full bodied, and for lack of a better description, round. However, not the greatest. The TSL and the X100B have it beat. The thing it lacks for me is some extra high end sparkle and some glassy-ness, but, it beats the hell out of what they claim is a "clean" channel on the 6505+ by miles. Even with the treble all the way up, mids down and bright engaged, it just isnt glassy enough.

                    Crunch: Ok, useless to me, but for others sake, Ill review it the best I can seeing as how I could care less what it sounds like or if it even had it. It picks up where clean left off. Its a hearty, full sound, but will go clean if you turn the gain down to the 9 oclock position. TIP: If running this amp without the footswitch, the lo/high lead switch doubles as the clean/crunch switch. What that means is; if your jamming in high lead and hit the channel switch, it will switch you to crunch mode instead of clean. You can counteract this by turning the crunch gain down as mentioned above to have clean and high lead toggleable. However, with the gain that low in crunch mode, you have to crank the channel master to get a good level out of it.

                    As far as the actual tone of the crunch channel, I have no idea, Ive totally skipped that part of the amp. I have no use for it.

                    Low Lead: Heres where we get into all sorts of variables. I run it with bottom switch in, master resonance at 10, master presence at 8, lows at 10, open mids at 4, treble at 7, gain at 4. Even with gain at 4, this channel breathes fire. The tone with these particular settings is, best I can compare it to, would be Hell Yeahs first CDs tone for most the album, with a hint of Mudvaynes LD50 (K)now (F)orever (but with more bass). Im sure theres some better comparisons, but I go by what I know.

                    High Lead: Same as low lead, but with much hotter fire. Basically, low leads 9 would be high leads 4. With the extra gain, you get some more pronounced bass. As if it wasnt already thumping the floor and your rib cage. Seriously, Ive never had an amp capable of this much punch. Even with all the bass this thing can produce, staccato riffing is still defined and individual strings picked in a power chord are discernible.

                    Loose/ Focus Switch: So weve got nu-metal and trash covered in focused mode. Loose mode in essesnce, is a glorified way of saying low-mid boost, but it has its own mid knob apart from the mid knob associated with the focused mode on the lead channels. It shares the rest of the EQ with focused mode, as well as the gain and is also a global effect. Meaning, that it affects the character of the clean/ crunch channel too, although it has no other variable on that channel.

                    Loose mode can also be used to, da da da da, make sure you cut through for solos!! Theres NO REASON, ANYONE, should be bitching that this thing gets buried since this feature boosts the low mids AND lets you decide by how much. If theyre getting buried, 1. They dont know how to work this amp and/or 2. Theyre being guitarded by having to be louder than everyone all the time. You should NEVER stand out of the mix unless youre playing a solo. Case closed. With this feature(and another one Ill get to in a minute) theres no reason why a solo should be lost in the mix with this amp.

                    Bottom Switches: Theres one dedicated for each of low lead, high lead and clean/crunch. This is not like the bottom switch on the Fireball. The Fireball only seemed to gain a little bass with this activated. On the Powerball, its more like the bottom switch on a TSL, BIG difference.

                    Each of the four channels/modes has its own channel master.

                    Global Master Section: Has a global master volume in addition to the 4 channel masters. Heres the other cut through choice, a global master volume B. So in addition to the mid boost that loose mode gives you, you can toggle to a secondary global master volume that may be set LOUDER or quieter than global master volume A. Again, NO REASON this amp should EVER be lost in the mix for solos.
                    Master Presence, duh, I dont think I need to explain this beyond its not as touchy as the Fireball or the 6505.
                    Master Resonance, on par or better than the 6505, the Fireball would benefit from, but lacks this feature.

                    So, there we are. Tone/ feature review. Keep in mind that this thing can do a lot of different tones. The settings I stated for low/ high lead are just my preference at the moment. Also, Id like to mention that this thing has another little gift for you if you crank it pretty good. Best way I can describe it is it hollows out a little but still stays as punchy and defined as it does at low volume levels, but the punchiness becomes more pronounced because youve got it cranked. So really, it gets a little more articulate when its cranked up. No mud at all. Theres a little mud(microscopic, but its there) at bedroom level, but once you get into tracking volume territory it really shines.

                    EDIT: Ok, Ive got the term "loose" confused with "open" and then got the features "open" and "focused" switched around. Apparently "open" is the more punchy and scooped mode and "focused" is the mid boosted mode. Makes no sense, but there it is in black and white. So, use "focused" mode for lead boosts and chug away in "open" mode. Silly Germans.
                    Last edited by Twitch; 08-24-2011, 11:36 PM.
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                    • #11
                      Sgt. Twitchola!!! That was a beautiful review. More than I expected, but glad you made the effort. That amp has got my interest. My tone seems to be gavitating more and more towards Loomis, since he's been with Engl for a few years. I'd seen him play thru so many various setups, but always sounds like him. But sounding his best since he went Engl IMO!

                      I had the Bogner for some time now and milked every bit of tone I possibly could. Some days I love it..some days I prefer my's more consistant. I think Engl may have that happy medium between the darkness of the Bogner and the bright definition of the Marshall.

                      I must investigate. My enthusiasm for playing is at an all time high in the last years I've had with constant family matters. I actually re-strung and set up my main Koa SD-1 that popped a string about a year ago..

                      Well it sounds like ya got a of luck with it man!!!

                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #12
                        I love my Engls. I think the Germans got it right I haven't tried a Powerball, though.


                        • #13
                          Heres a clip, but its not what you think it will be, thought Id be smart ass and use a high gain metal amp and single coils to do some blues. The first half is just to get the rhythm in your head, the solo is what to pay attention to. The first half is a little clippy because of the crap mic and all the bass.

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                          • #14
                            I would like to re-review the clean channel on the Powerball. Apparently, the clean channel is just fine. Dont review an amp with dead strings. Its plenty glassy and sparkly, too much so with the bright engaged.
                            HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                            • #15
                              Good score man! I have a Powerball I and the clean channel on it is fantastic, especially for such a high gain amp. Some of the labeling on mine has wore off, but that's probably because the guy I got it from didn't put it in a road case. Awesome metal head, but surprisingly versatile! How does the gain compare on your Powerball compared to your 6505? I've thought about picking up a used 6505 as a backup head.

