Found this old Peavey last month in a storage barn for $15.00. It was begging someone for a bath and makeover. 
After getting it home and taking a closer look, it was a gold mine for spiders and other 8 leg looking creatures.

After giving the cabinet and control panel a strong bath with Clorox and liquid laundry detergent it was time to repaint.
I could do no justice for the reverb unit by washing it off so why not paint it also. Before:
and now after:

The original wooden plate that held the speaker in place crumbled with each touch because it was so rotten so, a new one had to be cut out. I pulled the control panel out from it's case and give each pot a through spraying with contact cleaner. The plastic grill cloth also got a bath and a fresh new coat of colorplace spray paint.

After sanding & painting the new speaker cutout I attached the grill cloth to the sides with a staple gun and then attached the aluminum sides with small screws. I then attached the 8 chrome corner covers after taking scotch brite and Mean Green cleaner to them. I reinstalled the newly painted handle on the top of the cab for the finally!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for viewing.

After getting it home and taking a closer look, it was a gold mine for spiders and other 8 leg looking creatures.

After giving the cabinet and control panel a strong bath with Clorox and liquid laundry detergent it was time to repaint.

I could do no justice for the reverb unit by washing it off so why not paint it also. Before:

The original wooden plate that held the speaker in place crumbled with each touch because it was so rotten so, a new one had to be cut out. I pulled the control panel out from it's case and give each pot a through spraying with contact cleaner. The plastic grill cloth also got a bath and a fresh new coat of colorplace spray paint.

After sanding & painting the new speaker cutout I attached the grill cloth to the sides with a staple gun and then attached the aluminum sides with small screws. I then attached the 8 chrome corner covers after taking scotch brite and Mean Green cleaner to them. I reinstalled the newly painted handle on the top of the cab for the finally!!!!!!!!!
