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EVH 5150 50 watt mini amp

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  • #16
    I wish I had remembered the whole "mini-amp" pissing match from the other day. I shouldn't have used the word "mini" in my thread. I bet this particular amp is going to be kickass, who cares if they are part of a craze or not. And I'll bet you 100,000 "real mans amps" if I were standing in line at the guitar store with one of these EVH 50w amps and somebody said I was a pussy or mini man or needed a mans amp they would get a Texas sized ass kicking.
    Let go, let Guitar


    • #17
      Originally posted by JacksoNeal View Post
      I wish I had remembered the whole "mini-amp" pissing match from the other day. I shouldn't have used the word "mini" in my thread. I bet this particular amp is going to be kickass, who cares if they are part of a craze or not. And I'll bet you 100,000 "real mans amps" if I were standing in line at the guitar store with one of these EVH 50w amps and somebody said I was a pussy or mini man or needed a mans amp they would get a Texas sized ass kicking.
      Now that's the spirit!
      "I have so much gayness at times. My wife walks in my music room, and there I am, in my undies, listening to "Sister Christian" while lighting fireworks..doin' blow." - Bill Z

      "I leave off the back plate and pinch my forskin between the tension springs. That may not work for everyone. But I find that the people love it. Half the tone is in the pud." - Bill Z


      • #18

        I have to agree with the point of the other thread. But for me it's not so much just the "mini" or any other current craze, it's just the never ending hype pushed by the manufacturers. Can't blame them for trying or wanting to sell a product. I'm sure there's lots of great gear out there but I tire of all the advertising.

        I haven't bothered with magazines in a while but they seem to be mostly advertisements and "reviews" for gear. Bah.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chief_CrazyTalk View Post

          I have to agree with the point of the other thread. But for me it's not so much just the "mini" or any other current craze, it's just the never ending hype pushed by the manufacturers. Can't blame them for trying or wanting to sell a product. I'm sure there's lots of great gear out there but I tire of all the advertising.

          I haven't bothered with magazines in a while but they seem to be mostly advertisements and "reviews" for gear. Bah.
          I heard that. Thats partly why I was kind of oblivious that there was such a craze for these little amps...I quit buying Guitar World years ago, how many times can we read about the making of this album or how that artist was influenced...blah blah blah...and as you said, the "reviews" are more like advertising, because Peavey or Marshall or whoever it is sends the staff a fucking box full of whatever it is ther going to review.
          Let go, let Guitar


          • #20
            I wasn't really aware of any "craze" myself; it seemed like more of a trend. What else is left for amp manufacturers? I'd think the market would be saturated already, what with all the different options (DIY kits, modeling/FX, modding, and a glut of good new and vintage amps) a more informed and educated buying public has now.

            I'm sure there's a lot of great new amps out there. To each his own I guess. Of course manufacturers are always going to try to sell you more gear. To convince you that you're always lacking that special piece of breakthrough gear they can sell you. And it never ends, when most likely all a player really needs is more practice and to enjoy what they're doing. I went through that years ago and bought, sold and traded a bunch of different amps, effects, and pups. Now all I need is a good JCM800 and I'm set.

            I'm a capitalist and a businessman myself, but good products sell themselves and this constant but evolving hype just comes across as so...crass.

