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Running two amps at once

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  • #16
    BTW, I don't really mess with this live....too much trouble. But I do run dual preamps on my Boss GT-10. I use the Soldano and 5150 sims. The 5150 has more gain and mids. The Soldano I run cleaner and with more lows. The two combined results in a very articulate, clear, big sound. I run this into the effects return of a tube amp.


    • #17
      I use a Mesa mark IV and a mesa dual through two matching mesa 2X12 cabs. the mark does the tight mids thing and the rectifier does the huge scoop thing together its awesome. far bigger than just a volume issue.


      • #18
        I was doing this today with my H&K Switchblade and Metaltronix M-1000. Sounds quite LARGE
        Out Of Ideas


        • #19
          i usually run a wet/dry setup. At one time i was playing stereo through a 50 watt Marshall Jubille with a Korg DRV-3000 in the loop and a dry 50 watt JMP master volume at the same time. I had an AB box that went to a Fender Twin or Roland JC-120 for my cleans....the twin died and got traded, and i got the JC to replace it. My current dry amp is a Crate VC-6112 and the wet amp is an Ampeg TriAx VT-120 combo. The Crate has beautiful clean, so a third amp is no longer required. Mmmm... oh yeah, my point was Wet/Dry is super cool... The Dry amp cuts through better, but some delay or pitch shift on the wet amp makes it sound like a studio recording. So much more clear than having FX on both amps or using one mono amp with FX. Frigo89 is totally on track with his comment, sounds LARGE.


          • #20
            Personally, if I ever (seldom) run two or more amps at the same time, I run one 50W amp flat out overloading the output section for this specific sound. This amp is fed with dry signal, not effects etc. And one or two side amps that run the wet part of the signal. These amp(s) set to much lower volume, and only preamp distortion.

            But overall, while it gives fantastic sound I don't think it is worth it. A simple setup and good amp would give me all I need at a much lower and controllable volume.

