Well, I picked up a used but in mint condition DTR-1. Works perfect as far as tuning, tracks fast, and is perfectly accurate. Signal is Guitar>DTR-1>RM100 input... Serial loop send>ValveFX>serial loop return... Parallel loop send>M108 EQ>Parallel loop return. Everything is plugged into my Furman PL-8 and even with no cables plugged into or out of the tuner, it makes a pop when I turn it on/off. And there is a pretty bad 60 cycle ground loop hum when it is hooked up. Seems from threads/reviews on the net that the hum is a popular issue with these. Ive seen fixes from using a 3-2 prong plug adapter (get rid of ground plug), remove the internal chassis ground, nylon washers between unit and rack rails, hum eliminator (ebtech), another pedal before the tuner to buffer the signal, or some output to tuner not coming back into the signal chain.
Does anyone know the specific reason for the these units causing this and what the correct fix is? If I can't fix the issue correctly, the only fixes I'm willing to try from that list are the nylon washers isolating the unit from the rails (doubt it), ebtech hum eliminator (have one in the closet, but doesn't fix the root cause), or switching my M108 EQ for my KFK EQ (stereo outputs) and using one side for the signal chain and one for the tuner out (should completely remove it from the chain, still doesn't fix root cause..)
Does anyone know the specific reason for the these units causing this and what the correct fix is? If I can't fix the issue correctly, the only fixes I'm willing to try from that list are the nylon washers isolating the unit from the rails (doubt it), ebtech hum eliminator (have one in the closet, but doesn't fix the root cause), or switching my M108 EQ for my KFK EQ (stereo outputs) and using one side for the signal chain and one for the tuner out (should completely remove it from the chain, still doesn't fix root cause..)