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NAD Carvin V3M

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  • NAD Carvin V3M

    I've finally tossed in the towel when it comes to modeling pedals, amps, software, etc. I just never get the tone I want, especially hi-gain tones. The clean stuff is all great, but the hi-gain stuff always sounds flat. The last amp I bought was back in '89, a Randall RG-100es with matching slant cabinet. I've been toying with the idea of a tube based combo amp, but decided on the Carvin V3M paired with my old Randall cab. I'm just scratching the surface as of right now, but I'm loving this thing. It's got me all nostalgic and digging through the attic for all of my old rack effects. The most surprising thing about the amp is just how loud it is. I don't play out live anymore, but even on the 7w setting, this thing cranks way louder than I care to play. I find the 22w setting a happy medium for achieving good hi-gain tone and acceptable volume levels...yes I'm getting old. Great little amp for the money!

    My Charvel/Jackson Family

  • #2
    Yup, I think Carvin really made the most of the compact tube head idea. I haven't gigged with mine yet (I bought it for out-of-town gigs but haven't done any since getting it) but I've jammed with our drummer a couple of times and it stands up to high-volume playing.


    • #3
      I've been thinking about this amp for awhile. how's the hi gain at low volumes? How do you define hi gain, i.e like what bands?


      Kiesel Aries
      Charvel USA Wild Card #3
      EVH 5150 iii 50W, 1x12" EVH w/ Celestion Lynchback, Boss RV-3


      • #4
        I love mine, too! I've only used it on the 50w setting, and I think it does great at low volumes playing through a Mesa 1x12 in my living room. There's more than enough gain for stuff like Slayer, Lamb of God, any modern-type metal.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Hey toejam, whats the V3M like compared to your fullsize V3? I am digging my V3 along with some of your suggestions. Pretty damn versatile.


          • #6
            It's pretty similar despite the EL84s compared to the EL34s. The full-size V3 also has an extra master EQ section for bright, mid-cut and deep controls, and the two smart effects loops, but overall it's not too far off from its big brother. I've always really liked EL84 amps, though.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #7
              Are you still loving the V3M? I'm looking hard at getting one with the tax money I just got. Any issues with it? I have a couple Laney AORs that I just can't get to sound right to me, so I'm hoping this could replace them.


              • #8
                Congrats. I've heard great things about the V3M and almost bought one, but I ordered an EVH 5150 III 50W a few months ago and i'm still waiting for it to show up.


                • #9
                  Love mine. Very loud, cuts through well, takes pedals well, and has a singing-smooth lead tone that is amazing. Haven't gigged mine but jammed quite a bit with another guitarist and drummer. Very nice amp.
                  My YouTube Videos | My SoundCloud Page


                  • #10
                    I still want a V3M.
                    When I was auditioning amps, I tried the full size V3.
                    I thought it sounded awesome!

                    I ended up choosing Laney, only because it had the Character I was looking for.

                    I've got 3 full size heads now, so I don't need another.
                    However, I'm seriously considering a V3M myself.


                    • #11
                      I've been mulling over the combo version. Looking to get my first tube amp but will be using mainly for low volume bed room practice. Would I be wasting my money on something more than I really need? It just seems like a good deal for all that it offers.


                      • #12
                        Mine is on its way from Seattle! I'm pretty excited. I don't have a cab, what should I get? 1x12 2x12 or 4x12? If I get the 4x12 will it be quieter with the same output coming from the amp? If I get a 2x12 will it be able to handle a bigger amp (like a JCM800) if I get one of those as well?

