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Was in my pals guitar shop today and...

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  • Was in my pals guitar shop today and...

    Got to play an all original 63 strat.... =) (have never played a vintage strat before)
    Wow. Totally cool guitar.

    Then my pal pulls out a bag and hands me a "Wedding present" (getting hitched in august lol) a Wampler SLostortion
    How cool is that guy!
    Anyway, whacked it into my 75 Hiwatt dr103 (which was in the shop) and a closed back soldano 2x12 and it rocks...
    It just confirmed my belief that with the right pedals and a Hiwatt, anything is possible!

    Anyone else diggin a nice vintage amp?

    Sorry for randomness of post but Ive had a most excellent day =)

  • #2
    Thats a good pedal, I just bought one a couple of weeks ago.
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #3
      the strat is awesome too. i have my grandfather's old '62 strat - black with the rosewood board. it is truly a magical guitar!!!!

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        You have a cool amp! I wouldn't mind owning a Hi-Watt DR103. Congrats on that amp!


        • #5
          Cheers Roody!
          Yea, they're fantastic pedal platforms - I actually had 2 at the same time a while ago and aa 1971 Hiwatt 4x12 with the Fane crescendo's - An absolute monster of a cab =) (unfortunately had to part with it but i'll replace it eventually!)
          The SLOstortion is excellent...Gonna give it a really good whirl this evening at practice. Also gave a suhr Riot a rip through the amp... Was really impressed with the lower gain settings too. Played a Nash tele with that, sounded awesome!


          • #6
            A few months ago perhaps the coolest Hi-Watt ever sold on another forum. It was a DR-103, or perhaps a clone, that was modded identical to Jimmy Page's! Page used that amp live in the early days apparently before going the Marshall route. I think up to 1971 or so. Page knows good tone!


            • #7
              PKT?! For sure =)
              I remember that amp, with the little footswitch and all .. . Excellent.
              I recenty sold a '78 DR103 plus a '71 Hiwatt 4x12 that was the BEST sounding cab i have ever heard ;(
              Ah well, i'll pick up another someday! (one of the few advantages gearwise of living in Europe - Marshalls and Hiwatts a plenty!)

