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To SL-X, or not.. that's the question.

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  • To SL-X, or not.. that's the question.

    I'm gassing for a Marshall lately, I got the chance to play around with a JCM 900 SL-X

    It's pretty much a one-trick pony, but man, it sure sounded sweet.
    Classic JCM grind, but with more gain on tap.

    This example is super clean and minty.
    However, for a few hundred more, I could grab a DSL or Vintage Modern..

    Decisions, decisions....

  • #2
    I've never tried an SL-X but heard good things about them. However I do own a VM head, and I'd advise you to try before you buy. It's a pretty good sounding head, but so far it doesn't have that special something my 800 has.


    • #3
      We have a 100 watt SLX and a 50 watt VM at the studio. The SLX blows away the VM. I actually have the SLX at my shop here at the house for new tubes. The VM is a great head, but there's something it's lacking. Can't put my finger on it. The SLX sounds more like a JCM800 with a good pedal in front of it than a JCM900 to my ears. The cool thing is, if you dial it back a little it get's 800ish. Mind you it's not an 800. It just gets close.
      "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


      • #4
        I almost just bought a 100w SLX recently. Most other 900s are have muddy complaints, but this one actually lacked the low end. I think i'd rather buy a 800 and just put a boost pedal in front of it. The good thing the SLX is its about half the price of the 800!
        "Yet, every little piss ant wanna' be death metal wiener will just carbon copy the next phase.." Kam Lee/Massacre



        • #5
          I'd save your money and go JVM if you're set on a Marshall.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DeathThrashAttack View Post
            I almost just bought a 100w SLX recently. Most other 900s are have muddy complaints, but this one actually lacked the low end. I think i'd rather buy a 800 and just put a boost pedal in front of it. The good thing the SLX is its about half the price of the 800!
            I did sound for White Trash at a small private party last weekend and the guitar player was using a 2203 50 watt JCM800 through a crappy looking cab (not sure of the speakers) He used a DS-1 in front when he wanted more gain. It was probably the best all around live tone I've ever heard. I'm sure it helps that the dude was a monster player, but that tone was what Marshalls are all about.
            "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


            • #7
              Thanks for the input guys.
              I think however, in the end I'm going to pass on the SL-X, it really only does one thing well, and even that requires the Master(s) at 6 or so, and I don't really need super-loud.

              Tomorrow, I'm going to see someone with a Carvin V3, it's got all those Bells and Whistles, and Carvin has excellent return policy.
              I'm also going to demo the H&K Switchblade again.. (for the 3rd time)....

              I'm probably just trying to give myself a reason to NOT get the Switchblade. (I do like it...)


              • #8
                I had the SL-X but got rid of it because of the one trick pony thing(loved it though, for what it did). It can do numerous things, but only one at a time. I recommend the V3 as well. Hell of an amp. I know nothing of the Switchblade.
                HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                • #9

                  Played the SL-X again, played a Carvin V3, and a Laney.

                  I decided on the Laney.

                  It's a Laney IronHeart IRT60H 60 Watt Head.
                  Been awhile since an amp made my jaw drop, this one did.

                  $800.00 New, Half-Chinese/Half-Britsh - Chinese components, assembled, QC'd in England
                  First guitar amp I've seen with a Toroidal Power Transformer.

                  Will post pics and soundclips when it comes in.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 2Loud2Old View Post
                    First guitar amp I've seen with a Toroidal Power Transformer.

                    Well, to name a few, Randall RH100/200, Egnater Tourmaster 4100, Im sure there are more, but those are the ones Im familiar with. Congrats on the Laney. Ive never heard of that model. Hope it suits you.
                    HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                    • #11
                      I have the best Marshall tone I ever heard. Had it '96. These are facts!

                      As far as that amp is conerned. Ummmmm didn't simulate blood flow to the penis.

                      But, the JVM did. Marhsall redeemed themselves with me after the horribly disasterous DSL/TSL series. That's the only Marshall I like almost as much as mine. A built-in noise gate, like in the KK Marshall would rule with the JVM. If it came with that..I'd have one..or two.

                      I did have a blue '92 6100 that I thought was cool. I also like the Marshall 2210. People would argue about slammin the front of other classic Marshalls. I did that alot and discovered that Marshall slams their own amps the best. The only thing I want bewteen me and ANY amp is a cable...period!
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #12
                        The only Marshall I had in the past was a JCM 800 combo, back when I still got at least 10 hard-ons a day. I never thought it had enough gain, so I'd throw an HM-2 pedal in front of it. (Hey, I was a dumbass punk kid).

                        That's why I thought the SL-X would be a good bet, however the Laney I tried just killed, like a AOR Pro-Tube, 'cept with more gain, (And flexibility)

                        Besides, the Laney has an evil red glow, to make the metal moar "metaly".

                        I'd still like to own a JVM410, I like lotsa knobz.
                        Last edited by 2Loud2Old; 03-13-2012, 09:40 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Twitch View Post
                          Well, to name a few, Randall RH100/200, Egnater Tourmaster 4100, Im sure there are more, but those are the ones Im familiar with. Congrats on the Laney. Ive never heard of that model. Hope it suits you.
                          I did not know that, however I've seen lots of HI-FI gear with that style of transformer. (I think they're more resistant to Power Supply noise)


                          • #14
                            Oh, congrats on the Laney!! I haven't played a Laney in years..prolly when Paul Gilbert used them.

                            When I think of amazing live Marshall tone. Two events come to mind. The first was Steve Stevens with a 2210 stack in the Atomic Playboys. Then Bruce Frankiln with Trouble freaked everyone out including Jeff Loomis, Glen Drover, Hank Sherman and Mike Denner, who was standing and talking with me...when sudenly our jaws dropped to the floor. That was BW&BK in 2002. They were the talk of that event. I saw Trouble at the next BW&BK, but his tone wasn't as amazing..prolly volume in the mix.

                            OH, Uli Roth was fuggin' LOUD as shit with his Framus and old Marshall...godamn was that great!

                            But, you're right's the player. Because I saw Reb playing the DSL with Dokken..and he sounded great with it. So did Doug with Dio.

                            Have you heard Iommi tone on H&H's record?? Holy shit..that's an Engl. What's even more amazing, Andy Sneap wasn't involved...hahha
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15
                              Traynor uses the Toroidal transformers in their newer amps as well. They reject noise a little better than standard transformers and I think they are more efficient at similar sizes as well. (Which can let the manufacturer get away with smaller ones, saving cost and size/weight.)
                              GTWGITS! - RacerX

