After doing a little research before buying a new overdrive pedal recently, I discovered that these three pedals are all identical (aside from the casing). There is a small switch on the circuit board that determines whether the pedal is a GT-OD or a ZW-44. The Classic Overdrive was a limited edition sold at Guitar World for $30 last year.
I found a Classic Overdrive on Ebay and won it for $30. Awesome deal considering the GT-OD and ZW-44 are both around $100 new. I prefer the sound with the switch in the GT-OD mode, works great for a mildly overdriven sound on the clean channel and is fantastic as a boost in front of an already distorted channel.
Here's a pic of the inside of the board:
I found a Classic Overdrive on Ebay and won it for $30. Awesome deal considering the GT-OD and ZW-44 are both around $100 new. I prefer the sound with the switch in the GT-OD mode, works great for a mildly overdriven sound on the clean channel and is fantastic as a boost in front of an already distorted channel.
Here's a pic of the inside of the board:
