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  • Busy

    Made a resolution (which I never do...resolutions are a stupid idea and meant to be broken) keep only one iron in the fire at a time.
    THAT blew up, quick.
    First two weeks of this year I built two amps.
    One a Cygnus-7 (the old low watt high gain thing I've been doing for a while) and yet another Spitfire.
    The Cygnus-7 turned out great, best ever.
    The Spitfire doesn't work right and I couldn't figure it out.
    Pulling secondaries down 100V but not blowing fuses.
    Sidelined for now.

    Finished the channel-switching Cygnus 30 watt, owner is dumb in love with it...great news.
    Did a simple Harmony H400A refurbish.
    Started to build two head cabs for the Cygnus-7's, and those are screwed up, man I struggle with cabs sometimes.
    Still kicking around not done.

    Started another Cygnus-30, without the channel switching, in process.
    And got a really cool 50's radio just big enough to build a vintage Champ into.
    Worked great for half a day then IT started showing the same symptoms as that Spitfire, not blowing fuses but really weak with B+ low by 150 volts.

    Sideline it, go back to the Cygnus 30.

    Sometimes it's as if nothing goes right, other times everything goes almost too great.
    I think my problem is trying to recycle old chit, the answer will come when I rig up those two amps to fresh independent power supplies.

    OTOH I have been incredibly blessed, stuff just falling into my lap.
    Got a Carvin HT760M free (fan wasn't working), a Marshall rack Valvestate 8008 for free (looks like that will be an easy fix), a set of PRS singlecut pups
    Scored yet another GREAT 50's Baldwin organ for almost nothing (full of parts, really, and some great tubes), and a Peavey Duece II among other boneyard stuff.

    I have no idea why I'm posting this.
    Busy is good...

  • #2
    I just wish I had the time. My parts sit in the basement gathering dust.

    That would scare me seeing the B+ being pulled down so low. Something has to be pulling a lot of current = heat = fire = bad.


    • #3
      I have a couple of extinguishers ready.


      • #4
        Well hell.
        The Champ works just fine on the test rig.
        Answers my question, something's up with the salvaged power transformer.

        Safety First!


        • #5
          Took out the recycled power transformer and it works just fine on the test rig.
          Desn't even get warm.
          I had the leads pinched together when it was installed.
          Now, re-insulate, and reinstall it.

          When it's all done it will be going into this antique radio with an 8" alnico speaker.
          Not a shredder but it will be cool when it's done.

          Last edited by Cygnus X1; 04-07-2012, 02:47 PM.


          • #6
            that's a great old box.
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
              that's a great old box.
              Name it "The Cougar"!!
              Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


              • #8
                Oi veh!

                More like a "wooden toaster".

                Yes, no shredder, but this stuff is fun.
                I saw that radio for 20 bux and I had to do it.


                • #9
                  Can you make an Axe-Fx?

                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                    Can you make an Axe-Fx?

                    With tubes it would be the size of a couch though.


                    • #11
                      Almost done.
                      She obviously is no shredder (as I mentioned), but a very cool tone that will
                      take pedals quite well.

                      Thick woody tone!


                      • #12
                        I have not updated this thread in a while.
                        I've found a TON of usable projects and test instruments.
                        People here have no idea what they have, nor do they know
                        anyone who knows anything about tube gear.
                        They used to be able to take it to the store and get it fixed, that's about all
                        they know.
                        Some of it yields GREAT vintage parts, or conversions.

                        I still build my high gain Cygnus amps but this opportunity is here.
                        So I'm in the vintage/modern amp market building tabletop beauties.
                        Many of these tabletops are big enough to accommodate an 8" speaker
                        but I design retrofits to act as heads.

                        Cool enough looking to be approved by wives everywhere.


                        • #13
                          Yoly Carp!!!!

                          Tied up the loose ends on the high gain Cygnus 30 watt
                          and fired it up today.
                          WOW, is all I can say.
                          I'm back in high gain territory and very happy with the build.

                          More details to come.


                          • #14
                            That's very impressive work man. Rock on!!!
                            I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tomanyjacksons View Post
                              That's very impressive work man. Rock on!!!

                              She's in burn-in mode.
                              No stress shown yet, good news.

