Got this in a trade with Cyg and holy shit what an amp!
4 watts of pure tone.Thru this Ampeg cab with V30's it lays down some super clean tones.
Crank it a hair past half way and you start to get some nice break up 3/4 you get some nice hair very very over driven vintage tone.
Add a BB/MB pre-amp pedal and thats all you need to shake pictures off the wall I'm serious!
Thanks Cyg this is a killer amp.
Had it out this weekend at a store demo'ing it and the whole store was gathered around asking all kinds of questions.
One guy asked me how many watts it that thing putting out? When I told him 4 watts he was stunned.
Funny thing had the radio on top of a Marshall 4X12 and one young kid said where is the amp?I said I was playing thru the radio on top.
He said no way dude where is the amp head?
4 watts of pure tone.Thru this Ampeg cab with V30's it lays down some super clean tones.
Crank it a hair past half way and you start to get some nice break up 3/4 you get some nice hair very very over driven vintage tone.
Add a BB/MB pre-amp pedal and thats all you need to shake pictures off the wall I'm serious!
Thanks Cyg this is a killer amp.
Had it out this weekend at a store demo'ing it and the whole store was gathered around asking all kinds of questions.
One guy asked me how many watts it that thing putting out? When I told him 4 watts he was stunned.
Funny thing had the radio on top of a Marshall 4X12 and one young kid said where is the amp?I said I was playing thru the radio on top.
He said no way dude where is the amp head?