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how much should i offer for co-worker's 5150?

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  • how much should i offer for co-worker's 5150?

    Co-worker of mine mentions he has a 5150(block letter), we start chatting. His doesnt work. I get interested. I grab it from his house to take a look. He says he bought it in 1994 and never changed the tubes, amp went kaput 6 or 7 years ago and shelved it.

    I take it to my space, open it up, full of cobwebs. Power tubes look dusty and almost matte finish like, something out of world war 2. One power tube is shattered. Pull the chassis out, one of the F 2A fuses is blown. Pre amp tubes look fine. A couple knobs on the front are missing but jacks and everything seem strong.

    I was thinking of just offering him $100 to take it off his hands. Is this fair or insulting? FYI I just sold a block letter 5150 for $500, freshly retubed. Im thinking I could pay him $100, order a set of power tubes for $80(give or take) pop a new fuse in there (few $), clean it up and hopefully that's all it will need.

    Is it worth the investment guys?

  • #2
    Well sure.
    But wait for him to look it up and start to wonder if he got ripped off.
    Start with asking him what he wants for it, then work from there.


    • #3
      Originally posted by PallarAndersVisa View Post
      Is this fair or insulting?
      This all depends on his point of view. If the thing is an eye sore and is taking up spaceand he wants to get rid of it at any price, then no.

      But this is a co-worker and you'll have to deal with the fall out if he feels otherwise. Might be a good idea to be honest about what these could sell for if in working condition.


      • #4
        If he will sell it to you for a 100 bucks then do it and don't look back..

        is it an insult?

        -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


        • #5
          Don't forget the work you are putting into it to get it playing again. What would a shop charge to troubleshoot, install and bias tubes and clean it up? Add that to the purchase price and you are getting up there a bit anyways. Let's say $100 to buy it + $120 matched tubes + $100 labor = $320 conservatively...if you sold it for $500 you only make $180...sounds like an OK deal to me. I know you are doing the labor etc but if he hung the amp up because it stopped working he most likely has no knowledge of amp repair, so would have to take it to a shop to fix it. Just my 2 cents...I say go for it.
          "Rule number one: In my van, it's Rush. All Rush, all the time. No exceptions. Rule number two: Nobody touch the red button. And I mean never touch the red button. Most importantly, rule number three: There's no jerking it in my van!"

          Kemper 600 watt Profiling Amp
          ENGL Powerball II
          Peavey 5150 4x12 Slant Cab
          Mesa 4 x 12 Slant Cab
          Marshall 2x12 Cab

          2010 Jackson SL2H Trans Blue
          1988 Charvel 750XL Trans Cherry Burst
          1989 Charvel 750XL Trans Cherry Burst Hardtail
          2011 Jackson DK2M Blue
          2011 Jackson DK2M Black
          1987 Charvel Model 2 White
          2012 Charvel Dimartini Crossed Swords
          1991 Charvel Dinky 080-SH Blue Crackle
          1990 Grover Jackson Dinky Trans Purple
          2010 Jackson Mutt Slime Green
          2012 Charvel Jap Pro Mod Candy Blue
          2006 Gibson Les Paul Custom Black
          2003 Gibson Les Paul R9 Custom Shop Reissue
          2013 Gibson Les Paul Studio Pro Silverburst
          2013 Epiphone Plus Top Pro w/ Bonamassa pups
          2014 PRS SE Custom 24 Emerald Green
          1987 Tokai Silver Star Strat

