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PA Question - Will this work

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  • PA Question - Will this work

    Howdy all-
    I have a 3 piece band that plays small gigs frequently and we need an entire PA system.

    We require/want:
    8 channels for vocals and instrument mics
    the ability to run two monitors on stage with independent mixes
    and obviously a way to run a set of mains (nothing fancy)

    I have been looking at the Soundcraft EPM8 board and it seems it will handle this with ease. My thinking is purchase this board and then I would need powered monitors (or separate power amps for each mix) and a power amp for the mains.

    Does this make sense or is there an easier (cheaper) way to achieve what we are after?
    Also is it possible to use the line in from a junk PA (harbinger HA60) and use the unit as a power amp for a set of monitors?

    Thanks so much and I appreciate any knowledge you can share.

  • #2
    I think you're going to find out that besides powering the monitors as well as the mains, you'll want compressors/gates for things like drums for example. Plus, an eq is nice for monitors. You'll need these for getting rid of feedback. Also, I would go with a larger board than 8 channel just because you'll need room to grow. 8 channels gets eaten up pretty quickly if you figure a minimum of 5 channels for a small drum kit, mic'ing a guitar, bass, lead vocals, and that leaves no channels for backup vocals. If everyone in your band sings you're already out of channels.
    As far as power amps go. I wouldn't use something like the Harbinger you mentioned. You need some headroom in that power amp or you're going to be pushing that amp hard and not getting the cleanest signal. My band has gone to powered QSC mains and powered Behringer monitors. We use a Presonus 16 channel digital board. No more racks of power amps and effects to lug around and it sounds great! 4 monitor mixes btw That board is not cheap though. We started with a Carvin powered 16 channel board which I still have. It comes from Carvin in a road case to boot. That might be another option for small gigs. In fact that system I bought with mounting poles and Carvin top boxes as a set, You can combine your powered monitors with that.


    • #3
      Been running sound now for about 13 years. Some simple questions for ya.

      What's your budget?
      What kind of music are you playing?
      How big are the clubs, crowds, that you're playing to?
      Do you have any pa equipment right now?
      Would you also need to buy mics, cables, eq's and all that type stuff?

      And a blanket opinion I've formed over the years. BUY ONCE, CRY ONCE.
      My Toys:
      '94 Dinky Rev. Purple Burst Flame Top
      '94 Dinky Rev. Cherry Burst Flame Top
      '94 Dinky Rev. Purple Burst Quilt Top
      '94 Dinky HX in Black
      '12 ESP Mii NTB in Black

