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Considering switching to Guitar Rig 4/5

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  • Considering switching to Guitar Rig 4/5


    Been considering selling my amp and purchasing Guitar Rig 4 or 5 software with the control instead. Anyone use this and can lend some advice?

    I rarely EVER get a chance to use my amp with 2 young kids with early bedtimes, and would probably have a bit more fun with the models/effects with my PC/headphones anyway.

    Anyone have it and can enlighten me?

  • #2
    I use GR for the same reason. I have little ones in the house and although they think its cool that dad shreds they don’t wanna hear it at 10PM.

    I’m not sure I would sell your amp. I think you might want to keep that but you would know better. I don’t think you are going to be disappointed with the tones you get out of GR and for sure, to throw the headphones on and get great tones and not bother anyone is cool.

    I didn’t find the learning curve bad at all, but to be honest I’m probably not even using it to its full potential. If you have any specific questions let me know.
    -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


    • #3
      I use peavey revalver, sounds way much better than gr.


      • #4
        What's your budget? If you want something on the cheap look at the Line 6 studio port product. For stronger modeling solutions I'd recommend 11Rack (midrange price) with expansion pack or Axe-fx 2 (grab you ankles price). These give you the option of going powered monitor for stage and straight into the PA/FOH sound if you do gig.
        GTWGITS! - RacerX


        • #5
          Originally posted by Iivari View Post
          I use peavey revalver, sounds way much better than gr.
          YOU think it sounds better. I think we have to agree to disagree on this one. GR5 has the VAN 51 which sounds very, very good.

          Why a 5150 sim is not in the Peavey is beyond me.
          Last edited by dvscool; 07-24-2012, 02:39 PM.
          -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


          • #6
            I use the iRig for my iPod touch when I need to bee quiet. it sounds pretty good to my ears. nice portable setup.

            there are versions of amplitube that are free if you have some sort of USB interface.
            Red JDR-94
            Maroon PS-3T with shark fin neck
            Duncan Invader pickups
            Jackson>ZW Wah>Vintage phase 90>ZW OD or Boss SD>Maxon SD9>MXR Flange 117>NS2>Bugera 1960>effects loop>boss chorus>MXR 10-band>effects loop return


            • #7
              I've been messing around with Guitar rig 5 the past few days, it's not too bad surprisingly.
              I really dig some some of the clean presets, and the soldano clone sounds pretty good for shredding.
              I do find it to be a bit noisey on the high gain settings, but you can solve that with the built in noise gate, it might also have to do with the fact I dont have a proper interface.

              All that being said, it'll never replace real amp tone for me personally, but if all you wanna do is jam some licks with headphones at home, I think it suits that purpose pretty well.


              • #8
                I've been using Guitar Rig 3 and 4 the past few years for pre-production and even recording and reamping. It's a fantastic piece of software and perfect for practising at low volumes along with backing tracks, etc. It has a ton of amp and cab sims that can be combined with different microphones, any kind of effect you can think of that can be combined in any way you can imagine and a lot of the built-in presets are just killer too. Experimenting is so easy and intuitive and you can come up with some really unique sounds if you try, for instance i managed to create a patch that makes a guitar sound like an incredibly huge sounding swelling synth. I don't have nor do i need the Kontrol pedal board for my application (i.e.: practising, recording, etc.), it's pretty much designed for gigging. Just make sure you have a good low-latency interface and plenty of RAM.

                Guitar Rig is a great tool and i highly recommend it but i wouldn't go selling your amp for it.
                It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                Originally posted by RD
       now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                • #9
                  Thanks for the replies, guys.

                  Food for thought for sure. I think I'm going to keep a lookout on the used market and see if any pop up for a good price.


                  • #10
                    amplitube 3 is on sale right now for $99, I use both GR and Amplitube depending on which model or effect I prefer but they are both good products. You might also check out s-gear which is cheaper and for amp tones I prefer it over the other two but it only has a couple effects which is why I keep the others around. I use GR mainly for effects these days which the amp tones coming from s-gear.

