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Exploring my options...Axe Fx guys....Step inside...JG we have already talked lol

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  • Exploring my options...Axe Fx guys....Step inside...JG we have already talked lol

    I am searching for petrucciesque style sound.

    I know I can get it with a mesa, and I know a few others I can get "close" with.

    I also know all the things you can do with an Axe Fx, but im really having trouble with this thing. I listened to at least a dozen recordings using this thing and there is something missing in what im hearing. I cant put my finger on it other than to say the things I HEARD sounded soul less. They lack expression and voicing that I hear from tube amps.

    So what have you for things that I can sample and hear.
    Haters gonna hate
    Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.

  • #2
    do you have an Axe FX or are you just looking for clips to listen to?
    If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


    • #3
      Tubes, transformers, and speaker cabinets for me please. Software isn't going to do it for me.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kmanick View Post
        do you have an Axe FX or are you just looking for clips to listen to?

        I want to hear some GOOD clips, everything I have heard just lacks life.
        Haters gonna hate
        Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Chief_CrazyTalk View Post
          Tubes, transformers, and speaker cabinets for me please. Software isn't going to do it for me.
          WOW...............thanks for your contribution to the conversation
          that was really helpful

          coloradoman go the the fractal forum and check out the recordings section, there are pages and pages of clips there of all of the amp models
          if you don't like what you hear then maybe you should just stick with your tube amps.
          If volume wasn't an issue in my house (and my ears) I would've just kept my mark IV and maybe picked up a JVM to cover
          any Non mesa sounds. recording with this thing is so simple a child could do it.
          Last edited by kmanick; 09-16-2012, 12:11 PM.
          If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


          • #6
            Ill ck it out thanks man!
            Haters gonna hate
            Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


            • #7
              So i hit it up for a while as well as ckin out your uploads on here Kman. I really WANT to fall in love with this thing because there is some insane ability and versatility with this machine...that stated it still to my ears processed. (And mind you I am no where near as good a player as you or many of the samples I listened to.)

              For at least now I think the Axe FX just isnt falling into what im looking for. Thanks for your time guys!
              Haters gonna hate
              Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


              • #8
                have you checked out the Kemper Profiler yet?
                If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


                • #9
                  If you play at home or in the studio only the Axe Fx is probably what you should get.
                  If you play live in a metal band.... I already gave you my suggestions.

