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Help, Multi effect rack or pedal? which works best with a 5150II stack?

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  • Help, Multi effect rack or pedal? which works best with a 5150II stack?

    I was wondering if someone has a 5150II and using some verb,delay and occasional chorus/detune on their tone?
    What works best with the 5150II stack(stock except for tubes JJ's all round)
    should i use a rack like the G-magor(or whatever works best) or go with pedals?
    Want to keep the most integrity of the amps normal tone?
    This is my first 5150 and it is different than the Marshall stuff i am used to

  • #2
    if you want to keep the tone of the 5150, and you want time based effects, i'd go with a rack unit. the g-major should do fine. i always had good results with the digitech studio series processors running in the loop of my riveras. while i am using a pedal based system now, i still find it easier to work with a rack unit - even if there are certain limitations within the unit - over finding a specific pedal that does exactlky what you want. pedals are like fine wines - you can ge them to any taste, especially when going boutique. rack units are more utilitarian and get straight to the point. their "coloring" or idiosyncrasies can be easier to deal with. plus, they end up being cheaper in the long run!!

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #3
      Here is where I disagree with Mark. the 5150-II works the best with basic stomp box pedals. For delay.. any boss pedal,... DD3, DD6
      For chorus... Boss CH2 or 3. If you want reverb.. the Boss RV3 is really good.

      the 5150-II is probably the most pedal friendly amp I own and I don't use any expensive pedals. All off the shelf standard type Boss pedals. I do have a Morley switchless wah out in front.


      • #4
        And here is where I go against the grain, I have basic pedals as well and though not using the 5150-II so take this with a grain of salt. I have converted over to the m13. When run PROPERLY it works great and is damn impressive for the money. That stated I dont play out right now.
        Haters gonna hate
        Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jgcable View Post
          Here is where I disagree with Mark. the 5150-II works the best with basic stomp box pedals. For delay.. any boss pedal,... DD3, DD6
          For chorus... Boss CH2 or 3. If you want reverb.. the Boss RV3 is really good.

          the 5150-II is probably the most pedal friendly amp I own and I don't use any expensive pedals. All off the shelf standard type Boss pedals. I do have a Morley switchless wah out in front.
          well, you'd know better than me in this instance - you actually use the 5150II!!

          some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

          some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

          and finally....

          i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


          • #6
            Thanks for the opinions and what i am getting here is either will work.
            I do know both have their advantages and disadvantages.
            For versiltility the G-major wins hands down but for on the spot tweakin and personalizing which effect to use the pedals win.
            I guess i would prefer the one that has the better sounding effects,like for instance if i did use pedals i could pick and choose which brand,like for Verb i like the hardwire supernatural and i like a analog delay for more warmth.
            I never owned a G-major so i am not familar with the quality of the effects within it?
            all i know is you have "blocks" of effects with it.


            • #7
              The G-Major is great but you will need a midi foot controller to operate it. You also won't be able to use it to channel switch your 5150-II because of your footswitch configuration.
              In this instance.. pedals are more user friendly. BTW... I play a 5150-II live all the time.

