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NAD Strike Three!!! Randall RM100M

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DonP View Post
    c) Right now this amp has EL34's, but I may go 6550A's or 6L6's or both? I have three of each.
    My amps power section uses 5881's. I think they do a good job of sitting in the middle tonally of EL34s and 6L6s, though admittedly they are closer to 6L6s.
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #32
      I love my 1086 with the EQ in the loop. I wasn't a fan before the EQ. Actually, I wasn't a fan of much before the EQ on any amp I've had..
      Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


      • #33
        Hey everyone: Quick question - would you keep this amp or a Lynchbox. i.e. which style do you prefer assuming they are loaded with the same tubes, cost the same, sound the same, etc. Just based on looks.



        • #34
          I prefer the one you've got. I always found the LB a bit garish. But a lot of people like them. Of course, you could always score an LB grill from somewhere and swap them out as you like
          Hail yesterday


          • #35
            I like the looks of the RM100 over the Lynchbox. Minus the cosmetics and stock modules, they're the same, I think.


            • #36
              I'm not a fan of green alligator tolex personally.. But to each his own IMO.
              Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


              • #37
                Try some JJ 6CA7 power tubes! I have 2 RM100s and an RM50 and RM20. I love the flexibility of these amps. Stock modules are O.K. but modded ones RULE!
                RR24M -SLATQH- 2 SLSMG's- DKMGT- 3DXMGT's
                CHS2 -Traditional- 2 SC90 Surfcasters
                Tacoma DR14 DM14 JR55
                Ibanez Artcore AM77, AF125NT,AS93


                • #38
                  Originally posted by DonP View Post

                  d) For those who got rid of their RM100, why? There seems to be so many custom modules out there I don't see how you could ever get bored.

                  I had a Lynchbox in 09. I got rid of it because the Bias on one Power tube would fluctuate 7 points between the house and the show. I would bias it (37.5 IIRC) and would get the Amp sounding fantastic. I Would get it to the show and it just wouldnt sound right. Check it when I got back home, and one tube would be 29-30.
                  AFter going round nd round with Randall, they finally told me to put a drop of fingernail polish on the bias screw to keep it from Moving.
                  I sold it not long after that....

                  I still have the Lynchbox Cabinets. Best cabs ever IMO..
                  "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the input and I'll keep an eye on the bias. Todd, do you think it might have been a bad tube?

                    I'm still undecided on which amp head to keep. Really tough decision, but I can't keep both.


                    • #40
                      Congrats on getting into the MTS stuff Don P- Im rblyn over at the MTS forum and saw you posting over there....I post there a lot more there than here- Ive been hooked on these for a few years now after doing some recording at Rick Plester's studio (he's endorsed by Randall) and using his Ultra and Ultra XL modules- Ive since gotten two RM100's- running Kt88's in one and KT88/EL34 combo in the other. Also have the RM20 and two Randall XL cabs- Ive had just about every kind of amp over the years and went on tour with Triple Recitifiers about 10 years ago with an endorsement- I say these amps can hang with anything and truly prefer the RM100's to my old Triples....I am looking at this thread and nobody's mentioned the Lynch modules much? They are unreal- The Judge/Grail/Scary/Super V are all outstanding botique type tones. Grail is a good Mesa type tone with the Super V being a HUGE improvement over the stock top boost- I'd grab some of those and since you are an amp builder- The schematics for these things are available over on the MTS Forum- The beauty of these is you can mod and tweak them to perfection. Most of us use Jaded Faith or Salvation or other modders but if you have the knowledge and skills- Do it yourself- Most of the stock mods are just a split hair away from perfection IMHO and dont need to be completely rebuilt. My personal favorite is the Judge- It sounds and feels EXACTLY like the BE channel on a Friedman Marsha I played. I turn back to it 80 percent of the time but it is pure Marshall- The best NON Marshall mods? Grail and the 1086 are good- I love the Ultra and the XTC makes a nice lead channel as well...As far as the choice between the two (Lynch Box or RM100) They are the same. They sound and perform the same so its down to your preference. I do know the Lynch Box resale value is always slightly higher...other than that- The only difference is looks.


                      • #41
                        Thanks RockCity.

                        I went against popular opinion and kept the Lynchbox. I'll admit - I've been a Lynch fanboy for a long time - painted my first guitar white guitar Bengal Tiger, and have three additional Bengals LOL!

                        I have some GE 6550s I'll be trying in it. It's currently loaded with 2 JJ EL34's outside and 2 EL34L's inside.

                        I've only had the amp for a month and I'm already up to 10 modules. I have the Judge/Grail/Scary/Super V combo, another Grail, Blackface, SL+, Top Boost, Tweed, and Plexi. I have quite a bit of overlap and need to trim things down. I agree on the Lynch modules. I really love the Judge and Mr. Scary. Grail and Super V I'm still warming up to.

                        I'll be playing around with the Modules but I do think I'll do some business with the mod'ers.

                        What I'd really like to get next is the matching cab to the Lynchbox.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by DonP View Post
                          Thanks RockCity.

                          I went against popular opinion and kept the Lynchbox. I'll admit - I've been a Lynch fanboy for a long time - painted my first guitar white guitar Bengal Tiger, and have three additional Bengals LOL!

                          I have some GE 6550s I'll be trying in it. It's currently loaded with 2 JJ EL34's outside and 2 EL34L's inside.

                          I've only had the amp for a month and I'm already up to 10 modules. I have the Judge/Grail/Scary/Super V combo, another Grail, Blackface, SL+, Top Boost, Tweed, and Plexi. I have quite a bit of overlap and need to trim things down. I agree on the Lynch modules. I really love the Judge and Mr. Scary. Grail and Super V I'm still warming up to.

                          I'll be playing around with the Modules but I do think I'll do some business with the mod'ers.

                          What I'd really like to get next is the matching cab to the Lynchbox.
                          Good choice- Im a Lynch fan myself so I would have kept the Lynch box- and the Lynch cabs are actually made to his very specific specs and a notch up from the Randalls by all accounts. Try mixing those 6550's with the 34's in the head. Those heads will mix and match pairs (like I do with the KT88's/EL34's) Makes a great combo and you get the best of both worlds. 10 mods already? lol- It took me about six months to get to that total- Its an addictive cycle- Instead of spending "big ticket" money for a new amp, you can change your sound and get all of kinds of tones for roughly the price of a good pedal or two. Let the module go round begin!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by DonP View Post
                            Thanks for the input and I'll keep an eye on the bias. Todd, do you think it might have been a bad tube?

                            I'm still undecided on which amp head to keep. Really tough decision, but I can't keep both.
                            Sorry, Just saw this... Yes, we tried 3 tube sets in multiple positions in that amp. All indications were the set screw would move by the vibrations of the amp. It was the most frustrating time I ever had with an Amp because it sounded really great. The Brahma and the Scary were my go to......
                            "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RockCity View Post
                              and the Lynch cabs are actually made to his very specific specs and a notch up from the Randalls by all accounts.
                              I agree on this. EVERYthing sounds better thru these cabs....
                              "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES

