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Whats my Digitech GNX4 worth now?

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  • Whats my Digitech GNX4 worth now?

    I bought the Digitech GNX4 multi effects pedal a couple of years ago when it was top of the line stuff; now it's all fucked up.

    I usually take really good care of my stuff, but the gnx4 was so delicate, even though it was advertised as sturdy and gig worthy.

    I broke most of the buttons on the the recording panel, because nothing would happen when I pushed the record, stop, play buttons... So I would keep pushing them and they just went through the panel. I have to step on the footswitch buttons several times to activate them. The parameter buttons wouldn't work when I try to change parameter settings. I have to tweak the power cord to get the gnx4 working. The original power cord stopped working and the replacement cost me around $50 plus shipping.

    I could still use it for playing in my room or practicing, but I would never use it live again. I paid like $450 when I first bought; that was a shitload of money for me at the time, because I was high school.

    This was my first and only multi effects pedal and now I'm kind of wishing I would have saved up and bought a nice halfstack tube amp instead.

    Anyway, what do you guys think I can get for this as parts or as is? $50?
    Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
    Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85

  • #2
    Sounds like junk to me, zero value.


    • #3
      Recycle bin.


      • #4
        Parts only. Pedals, switches, the LCD/LED screen (whichever it has), main housing, etc.

        Then again, you can take it apart and see if it just needs to be cleaned out, or maybe new contact pads under the switches (butcher an old game controller for those) or new switches from Radio Shack if it uses real spring-loaded switches. You might also be able to put the play/record button board back in place.

        I never trusted anyone when they said a complex floor unit like that was "gig/road worthy". Maybe in a lab, or the hand-made Artist proto, but you can't mass-produce something like that with any kind of build-quality for that price.

        And don't think $450 isn't a lot for that unit just because you were in high school then. I'd seriously think twice about spending that much for a floor unit today.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          Jesus man, what the hell did you do to that thing? I've had mine since the first day it came out and used it up until I got an AxeFxII a couple of months ago. Mine works perfectly, I've never ever had any of the problems you've mentioned, and the thing is built like a tank.


          • #6
            I used it a lot in high school when I used to play with a bassist. Everything was inside a house. I used the recording feature a lot on it and I did think the recording buttons were fragile. The buttons wouldn't do anything when pressed, I pushed them harder and they broke. I'm responsible for that

            The footswitch buttons should be working properly though... Your supposed to step on them. I have to step on them hard to get them to work or step on them like 3 or 4 times. I really don't see what I could have done to screw that up. The parameter buttons aren't broken, but they just don't do anything when pressed.

            I bought it brand new in 2006 or so and I only used it twice live. I always put it back in the original box with the foam insert when I was done with it. I did use it a lot for practice and playing with other people; probably 25 hours a week. When I first bought it, I though it was the most bad assed thing I've had. It sounded great and had so much cool effects and sounds. Now I can't trust it live, if I can't switch from clean to dirty without jumping up and down on the buttons hoping it will work.

            I'm kind of starting over again after selling all my amps and sound stuff. After this multi fx experience, I think this time, I'm going to go with a nice, sturdy halfstack tube amp and use single stomp boxes for effects.
            Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
            Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


            • #7
              If you want a multi-fx pedal look to the line 6 m13.
              Haters gonna hate
              Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


              • #8
                I was checking out the Digitech rp1000, Boss GT 10 also. I kind of like the idea of having a small unit that will give me all of my live sounds that I can just plug into a PA system, but most of the amp modeling feels a little too sterile to me.

                I was in a music shop and the sales guy showed me some Mesa Boogie amps and let me hear them and damn! Tube amps sound sooooo much better than amp models on multi fx pedals! I think I want to trade the convenience of a multi fx and amp modeling pedal for a amazing sounding amp.

                I think the Line 6 M13 will go along perfect with a nice tube amp. It looks sturdy and has fairly simple design. If it has good sounding effects I can see myself going down that route...
                Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
                Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Maiden89 View Post

                  I was in a music shop and the sales guy showed me some Mesa Boogie amps and let me hear them and damn! Tube amps sound sooooo much better than amp models on multi fx pedals!
                  Don't mean to be disrespectful...have you been living under a rock?

                  Tube amps do sound good and pedals and solid state amps don't come even close. However, modeling units like axe-fx and Kemper have been bridging the gap between solid state modelling and tube amps closer and closer that its no longer a big decision to make. If you want the versatility go for modelling. if you want pure-tone and have the muscle to lug around 50 to 100lbs of gear go for tube amps.

                  Also, runner ups in the race are Line 6 HD500/400/300 pedal series and the HD pro rackable units. be sure to check them out as well. if you're used to one pedal does it all stuff, go for the Line 6 HD500/400/300.

