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Carvin V3M vs. EVH 5150 III 50W?

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  • Carvin V3M vs. EVH 5150 III 50W?

    OK so i've been hunting for a new rig for a while now. I've considered everything from rackmounted preamps and power amps, pedal heads, mini heads, full-sized heads and even amp modelling rigs... But i've always found myself leaning towards high gain 'lunchbox' mini amps like the Orange Dark Terror, Carvin V3M, Mini Recto, etc. because transportation is very important for me. I know how to get the tone i want and i mainly play really fast Black/Death Metal so i need the high gain grind, growl and massive roar yet tightness and note definition that 5150s/6505s are known for; but without having to lug around a 30kg head along with my pedalboard and guitar case. A usable clean channel is definitely a bonus too.

    There's already a really good thread about mini heads and at some point i was set on a Dark Terror, then more recently a V3M until i finally came across the EVH 5150 III 50W head recently. I want to know if anyone here has one, what they think and how they compare to the Peaveys (which are awesome). It's impossible for me to try one out but the samples i've heard so far sound incredible!

    Here are the conclusions i've come to so far:

    The Dark Terror is a straightforward design with a single channel but it's a great sounding little amp with plenty of grind and beef but it's a little loose in the low end and hairy in the highs (i don't mind the fizz too much though). I do realise that 15W is plenty loud but i'm looking for a few more dBs for good measure and a little more versatility in dialling in a sound...

    The V3M has three channels and independent EQs, digital reverb and all the bells and whistles which make it more fully-featured than most full-sized heads out there. Plus the switchable power setting goes up to 50W which is a big deal for me but i doubt it would be up to the task of getting the sound i need. I've read it has a more Marshally tone because of the EL34s rather than what i'm looking for. I can't seem to find any decent samples for Metal except for this vid but i've read that it can be quite fizzy... :think:

    The EVH 5150 III 50W has three channels, the first of which apparently is a nice Fender style clean, the second being a modded Plexi style tone and the third being the insane highgainballstothewallfacerippingearpulverising Peavey sound that i crave. I've also heard that it actually sounds better than the Peaveys and even the 100W version of itself. It's not as fully-featured as the V3M but at the end of the day the sound is what's most important to me. What do you guys reckon? Help a JCF brother's GAS! Oh, and the 5150 III comes in white tolex too.
    It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

    Originally posted by RD now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...

  • #2
    V3M experience

    A little while ago, I too was shopping for a new amp that was lightweight and could possibly be rackmounted.
    I tried out the Carvin V3M, which BTW is EL 84, not 34. It is a neat amp but fell short of the low-end balls I needed. The reverb was also less than natural and lacked a convincing springy character. Overall, the V3M was a rocker but it does not hit you in the chest. I would look elsewhere for something small and brutal.


    • #3
      The Carvin V3M is more versatile but it lacks the low end punch and tightness that you are probably looking for. Its more organic sounding. The 5150-III on the otherhand is a monster. I want to semi retire my Mesa Single Rectifier and start using my 5150-II but I need to get it completely retubed and it needs a footswitch.
      My suggestion would be the 5150 III out of those 2 amps.


      • #4
        You can really never go wrong with a 5150. Go with the white blizzard beast tolex too.


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies dudes. Well, if jgcable of all people says the 5150 III is a monster then what else can i really ask? I understand what you mean when you say that the Carvin V3M is more organic, and that's a bit of a relief as i was under the impression that the V3M had a reputation for being quite sterile. Bear in mind that i'm not one of these modern Metal douchebags who plays 9-string 50" scale length guitars but only chugs on the open string and throws in a sweep at every given chance (so an organic sound is actually quite appealing) but my tone needs to sound like a chainsaw ripping through a torso if you get what i mean.
          It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

          Originally posted by RD
 now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


          • #6
            Does anyone know if the 5150 III mini is available in a 19 in. rackmounted version? If not, has anyone seen the mini, modified to fit in a rack?


            • #7
              I just got a 5150 iii 50 watt and it is one of the few amps I instantly liked right out of the box. All 3 channels sound great to my ears . I will only be using channel 2 and 3 and Im running it through a Splawn 2-12 small block speaker cab which is supposed to be greenback clones but rated at 55 watts each. Comes with a 4 button footswitch and a speaker cable. Has a resonance control in the back its a lot of amp for not a lot of money. Caught mine on a sale. I like this amp more then any Engl I had and it sounds good at low volume too. These are now made in Mexico like their big brother 100 watter they stopped making them in Vietnam. Definitly check it out and run it through some greenbacks or Splawn small blocks.


              • #8
                I have got the 5150III 50 Watt version a few months ago. Play it through an EVH 4 x 12. Pure tone Nirvana. It's definitely my go to amp. Since getting the 5150III I have sold my ENGL 530 Preamp and Jet City 100 Watt head (Soldano SLO Clone).

                I also have a Boogie Mark 5 with 4 x 12 Recto Cab. I love the Mark 5 but love the EVH just a wee bit more . IMO, the cleans to break up are better on the Mark 5 but the EVH owns high gain. To me this is incredible, given the Mark 5 is 2.5 times the price of the EVH. The Mark 5 has way more tone shaping controls and characteristics including Tube Reverb, so not too shocking the cleans would be better on the Mark 5. The Mark 5 is a dark amp, and even at high gain, the darkness come out. The Red Channel on the eVH is amazing, A/B the two amps it is very clear to me and others that have played my rig, that the EVH is better then the Mark 5 at high gain. The EVH 5150III 50 watt is a great amp and an incredible value! I would tell anyone playing almost any music style to buy the EVH.

                Just my 2 cents.


                • #9
                  Fun vid showing the versatility of the 5150III. Also, forgot the EVH has midi in for channel switching which is really cool.


                  • #10
                    Yeah i saw that video, Andertons do pretty good demo videos apart from all the fucking around hehe. I plan on grabbing a matching 2x12 to go with it.

                    As for rackmounting it, the best i could find is this:
                    It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                    Originally posted by RD
           now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                    • #11
                      I agree with all said. I am a huge 5150 fan. Never owned one or played one that I didn't love. Great high gain thunderous tone right out of the box, fantastic clean channel (unlike many people say) and it can thump with the best of them. Every channel is useable and sounds great. Every control is perfect and they are built like tanks. 5150, II,III, 6505, 6505+, Triple X, JSX etc.... they are all very similar amps and they all have one thing in common. They all sound fantastic.

                      If you are a metal head and love high gain amps and thunderous tight palm muting and enough midrange and presence to break glass and enough power to play a stadium you can't go wrong with a 5150.

                      To give you an idea of the overall high gain tone think of it this way. Take the bottom end thunder of a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier and combine it with a Soldano SLO that has its midrange and high gain frequencies more tweakable and you will be pretty close to what a 5150 sounds like.

                      I am talking from a little experience. I have owned, played and gigged with

                      5150 Block letter
                      5150 script model
                      5150 combo
                      Ultra Supreme
                      5150-II (its the amp I currently own)
                      Triple X (its the amp I currently own)
                      JSX (my rhythm guitar player plays a half stack. Its as good if not better than most any amp I have ever heard)
                      Last edited by jgcable; 01-14-2013, 03:11 PM.


                      • #12
                        from all accounts, The 5153 is a much better amp. Carvin makes nice guitars and just ok amps


                        • #13
                          FINALLY! Scored a barely used EVH 5150III 50W head in ivory on eBay yesterday! Got a pretty good price on it with a head cover and a pair of extra 6L6s. The only drawback is that i'll have to wait till early March to get my hands on it but i have a gig coming up then so i will get to put it through its paces and see what it can do.
                          It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                          Originally posted by RD
                 now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Devotee View Post
                            FINALLY! Scored a barely used EVH 5150III 50W head in ivory on eBay yesterday! Got a pretty good price on it with a head cover and a pair of extra 6L6s. The only drawback is that i'll have to wait till early March to get my hands on it but i have a gig coming up then so i will get to put it through its paces and see what it can do.
                            Congrats bro and post a full review of it!


                            • #15
                              Thanks dude! I still actually need to get a cab for it before i can use it at home, i'll probably go with the matching 2x12 cab.
                              It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                              Originally posted by RD
                     now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...

