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Randall 4x12 cab with original jaguars???

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  • Randall 4x12 cab with original jaguars???

    Hey guys hows it going? I have a couple Randall Heads. A (RG80ES/RG100ES & a RX120D) I have the matching R212JB Cab for my 80 & I my Randall RX412 I use with my RX120D & my 100 Head. What do you think would be a good 4x12 Cab or better yet what Speakers do you think would sound the BEST (For M-E-T-A-L) with the 100 Head? The RX412 suprised me when I turned up the volume a bit with my 100 Head...It has some good Heavy "Tight Punch" to it! How good were the Ol' Randall Grey Carpeted 4x12 Cabs from the 80's with the Jags? I think they were rated @ or around 320 Watts? What would be a decent price for one of these today with the Jags in it? It would be cool to have the matching Cab for my 100 Head! Thanks for any Help/Advice! LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L! \m/
    Last edited by axe dude; 03-16-2013, 05:27 PM.
    *Kramer Focus 4000 "V" 85' with OFR \m/
    *Kramer Focus 1000 85' with OFR \m/
    *Randall RG100ES Full Stack (85') Black Tolex with Matching R412JB & R412JT Jaguar Loaded Cabs "THE "DIME" METAL MONSTER" \m/
    Randall RG100ES (88') Gray Carpet "THE METAL MONSTER" \m/
    *Ampeg VH140C HEAD....O.M.G. METAL HEAVEN! \m/
    *ADA MP-1 (3.666 RECTO/SOLDANO) MOD* \m/
    *Digitech RP-1 "THE ORIGINAL" \m/
    *Morley Vai Bad Horsie 2 Wah \m/

    ​*LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L!" \m/

  • #2
    Ironically I just sent an email to Eminence last week. They were very prompt to reply and it was concerning the Jaguar speakers. If you have Jaguar speakers in a Randall, here is the skinny. The Jaguar labelled speakers were made for Randall and in fact are just the average run of the mill Eminence speakers that are found in a variety of cabs under different label. The speakers will be labelled on the metal housing with a code. The first 2 numbers identify the maker. In this case, they will be "67" identifying them as from Eminence. The rest is the date and you can easily find the codes online.

    Here is the funny part. The "Jaguar" speakers say they are 4 ohms on the front sticker, but on the metal housing it says it's 8 ohm. If you measure the ohms they come up as 8 ohms, not four.

    Although I like the sound of my Randall with the Jags, out of my three 4x12's, it comes in last place for "metal" or all around sound. Not bad mind you and that is why I still have it, just not as good as others. My Jackson 4x12 with black cones and carpet sounds better then the Randall and my Marshall 1960ax with Greenbacks kicks both their asses.

    I hope this info helps.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Amerturk View Post
      Ironically I just sent an email to Eminence last week. They were very prompt to reply and it was concerning the Jaguar speakers. If you have Jaguar speakers in a Randall, here is the skinny. The Jaguar labelled speakers were made for Randall and in fact are just the average run of the mill Eminence speakers that are found in a variety of cabs under different label. The speakers will be labelled on the metal housing with a code. The first 2 numbers identify the maker. In this case, they will be "67" identifying them as from Eminence. The rest is the date and you can easily find the codes online.

      Here is the funny part. The "Jaguar" speakers say they are 4 ohms on the front sticker, but on the metal housing it says it's 8 ohm. If you measure the ohms they come up as 8 ohms, not four.

      Although I like the sound of my Randall with the Jags, out of my three 4x12's, it comes in last place for "metal" or all around sound. Not bad mind you and that is why I still have it, just not as good as others. My Jackson 4x12 with black cones and carpet sounds better then the Randall and my Marshall 1960ax with Greenbacks kicks both their asses.

      I hope this info helps.
      Hey Buddy hows it going? Thanks for the reply! I see you say the Jags are 8 Ohms not 4. On my R212JT Cab with the 2 Jags for my 80ES there's a switch for 4 & 16 Ohms. Which would be better to run them @ or does it even make a difference on this 2x12? Since I got it I left it on 16 like the previous Owner. It sounds like I almost need a Jackson 4x12 with black cones like yours! LOL! How about the ones with Red cones? I sent you a p.m. Thanks!
      Last edited by axe dude; 03-16-2013, 08:37 PM.
      *Kramer Focus 4000 "V" 85' with OFR \m/
      *Kramer Focus 1000 85' with OFR \m/
      *Randall RG100ES Full Stack (85') Black Tolex with Matching R412JB & R412JT Jaguar Loaded Cabs "THE "DIME" METAL MONSTER" \m/
      Randall RG100ES (88') Gray Carpet "THE METAL MONSTER" \m/
      *Ampeg VH140C HEAD....O.M.G. METAL HEAVEN! \m/
      *ADA MP-1 (3.666 RECTO/SOLDANO) MOD* \m/
      *Digitech RP-1 "THE ORIGINAL" \m/
      *Morley Vai Bad Horsie 2 Wah \m/

      ​*LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L!" \m/


      • #4
        Replied! BTW, if that cab is 4 or 16 switchable, then the speakers are 100% 8 ohms. I would test them each to see if they are both up to par and also check the output ohms by putting in a speaker cable and measuring the ohms off the end that would normally go to the amp. Keep in mind that it's not going to be a perfect 4 or 16 on the multimeter, but it could read 3.6 for example on 4 ohms and it is just fine.


        • #5
          Hey buddy rock on Metal!
          Best bang for the buck IMO is block series 5150 with Sheffields.
          Can be found all day long for $200 loaded.


          • #6
            The Randall cab I have (RA412CS) has Celestion Vintage 30's... "tight punch" indeed.

            Action Jackson


            • #7
              The newer Randall cabs have Celestions and retail for about 9 bills. The older cabs with Jags go between 1-2 bills used.


              • #8
                I've run this same Jag loaded Randall cab since 88 or so, and it's quite fine with metal. Not switchable between 4 & 16, only says 8ohm. I run my V3M in 8ohm mode. And thankfully, I bought the RG100es head and cabinet with the smooooth tolex and not the fuzz!!!!

                I wouldn't sell this cab for anywhere near 1-2 bills even if that is what they sell for!!!

                My Charvel/Jackson Family


                • #9
                  All three of my cabs are Marshalls and all of them have 25 watt greenbacks installed in them. I prefer the way the greenback sounds over the 75 watt Celestion. I used to have an old Randall solid state head unit and the matching 4/12 cab. I thought it was a good amp and a good cab. The jaguar speakers never bothered me. I thought they sounded pretty good for what I paid for it. Also I liked the Jaguars better than the 75 watt celestions Marshall uses in the 1960 A or B.
                  Last edited by leftykingv2; 03-17-2013, 01:49 PM.
                  This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BayRocker View Post
                    I've run this same Jag loaded Randall cab since 88 or so, and it's quite fine with metal. Not switchable between 4 & 16, only says 8ohm. I run my V3M in 8ohm mode. And thankfully, I bought the RG100es head and cabinet with the smooooth tolex and not the fuzz!!!!

                    I wouldn't sell this cab for anywhere near 1-2 bills even if that is what they sell for!!!

                    That's Awesome that you have a R412JT! I would be happy to find one for sure! The 2x12 I have with the Jags sounds very good! I just found a lead on the other matching 2x12 (Grey Carpet) for my RG80ES..I would have a Stack for my 80....Now that would be KILLER! \m/
                    Last edited by axe dude; 03-17-2013, 10:26 PM.
                    *Kramer Focus 4000 "V" 85' with OFR \m/
                    *Kramer Focus 1000 85' with OFR \m/
                    *Randall RG100ES Full Stack (85') Black Tolex with Matching R412JB & R412JT Jaguar Loaded Cabs "THE "DIME" METAL MONSTER" \m/
                    Randall RG100ES (88') Gray Carpet "THE METAL MONSTER" \m/
                    *Ampeg VH140C HEAD....O.M.G. METAL HEAVEN! \m/
                    *ADA MP-1 (3.666 RECTO/SOLDANO) MOD* \m/
                    *Digitech RP-1 "THE ORIGINAL" \m/
                    *Morley Vai Bad Horsie 2 Wah \m/

                    ​*LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L!" \m/


                    • #11
                      If anyone knows anybody that might have a ​Randall R412JT (Like above in Post # 10) or a RANDALL R212JT 2X12 CAB (Slant or Straight) that there looking to Sell/Trade Etc...Please let me know..Thanks!
                      Last edited by axe dude; 03-21-2013, 08:40 AM.
                      *Kramer Focus 4000 "V" 85' with OFR \m/
                      *Kramer Focus 1000 85' with OFR \m/
                      *Randall RG100ES Full Stack (85') Black Tolex with Matching R412JB & R412JT Jaguar Loaded Cabs "THE "DIME" METAL MONSTER" \m/
                      Randall RG100ES (88') Gray Carpet "THE METAL MONSTER" \m/
                      *Ampeg VH140C HEAD....O.M.G. METAL HEAVEN! \m/
                      *ADA MP-1 (3.666 RECTO/SOLDANO) MOD* \m/
                      *Digitech RP-1 "THE ORIGINAL" \m/
                      *Morley Vai Bad Horsie 2 Wah \m/

                      ​*LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L!" \m/


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Amerturk View Post
                        The Jaguar labelled speakers were made for Randall and in fact are just the average run of the mill Eminence speakers that are found in a variety of cabs under different label. The speakers will be labelled on the metal housing with a code. The first 2 numbers identify the maker. In this case, they will be "67" identifying them as from Eminence. The rest is the date and you can easily find the codes online.
                        I have 4 of these run of the mill Eminences (8 ohm) and if they are the same as Jaguars, I may grab one or two of the cheap Randall cabs on craigslist. I took my old Carvin 4x12 and put V30s and G12T75s in an X pattern. Love the sound. Then I put 2 of the Eminences in a Randall 2x12. Both cabs sounded very very similar. With both cabs running and stepping back and forth in front of one, then the other, you can barely tell the difference in tone/EQ, etc. Obviously the 4x12 has some more low end grunt but the tone is very very similar. I have an e-mail from Eminence about these I'll post if I can get to it from work..
                        Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                        • #13
                          the old ones could have been ordered w optional celestions. i got mine in 87ish with celestions. i did have 1 4X12 w the jaguars and they seemed to be brighter and not as thumpy as the celestions

                          Originally posted by Amerturk View Post
                          The newer Randall cabs have Celestions and retail for about 9 bills. The older cabs with Jags go between 1-2 bills used.


                          • #14
                            Some older Crate cabs had V 30 Celestions too
                            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BayRocker View Post
                              I've run this same Jag loaded Randall cab since 88 or so, and it's quite fine with metal. Not switchable between 4 & 16, only says 8ohm. I run my V3M in 8ohm mode. And thankfully, I bought the RG100es head and cabinet with the smooooth tolex and not the fuzz!!!!

                              I wouldn't sell this cab for anywhere near 1-2 bills even if that is what they sell for!!!

                              I know this Thread of mine is a few Months old...But I FINALLY found a (Black Tolex) Matching 4x12 R412JB Cab to match one of my RG100ES Heads & I found it for UNDER $100 WITH SHIPPING!! O.M.G.!! It's just like yours & in KILLER CONDITION with the Original Jags & I have to say that this Cab KICKS ASS! It's got some Awesome Sound & Punch to it! Nice & Tight...sounds Killer! The Jags (Well shall we say Eminence!) really are some pretty Damn Good Speakers! I am with ya on NOT SELLING IT anytime soon! This Cab will be with me for awhile for sure! LOL!

                              Last edited by axe dude; 07-14-2013, 06:57 PM.
                              *Kramer Focus 4000 "V" 85' with OFR \m/
                              *Kramer Focus 1000 85' with OFR \m/
                              *Randall RG100ES Full Stack (85') Black Tolex with Matching R412JB & R412JT Jaguar Loaded Cabs "THE "DIME" METAL MONSTER" \m/
                              Randall RG100ES (88') Gray Carpet "THE METAL MONSTER" \m/
                              *Ampeg VH140C HEAD....O.M.G. METAL HEAVEN! \m/
                              *ADA MP-1 (3.666 RECTO/SOLDANO) MOD* \m/
                              *Digitech RP-1 "THE ORIGINAL" \m/
                              *Morley Vai Bad Horsie 2 Wah \m/

                              ​*LONG LIVE THE M-E-T-A-L!" \m/

