The more demos I watched, and the more feedback I heard, the more I realized that I wasn't really using my AxeFx 2 to it's full capability.
I made the leap today...I sold my Line 6 DT25 head, Splawn 2x12 cab, Line 6 M13, Rocktron Velocity power amp, and picked up two Alto Truesonic TS112a active monitors, and a Voodoo Labs GC Pro. I'm all 21st century now!!
Initial thoughts...HOLY SHIT! HUUUUUGE!!! The old weakness - the cab IR's - is no longer. They are amazing! It sounds soooo much better than my former rig(s). The spread of the sound is flat out massive.
I didn't go all-out on the monitors, as I'm not using them in a band setting, and don't have to run them super loud. Lots of guys swear by the CLR's and QSC's, but after listening to a number of online demos, I thought these actually sounded more realistic and less colored than the QSC, and I'm not even going to try to comment on the CLR, although a buddy has one, and I really need to check it out. that said, i really don't need to put any more $$$ into my rig.
Anyway, I'm SUPER-stoked! I hope it inspires me to play the shit out of my guitars, and stay the hell off the internet...
Mandatory rig pic:
I made the leap today...I sold my Line 6 DT25 head, Splawn 2x12 cab, Line 6 M13, Rocktron Velocity power amp, and picked up two Alto Truesonic TS112a active monitors, and a Voodoo Labs GC Pro. I'm all 21st century now!!
Initial thoughts...HOLY SHIT! HUUUUUGE!!! The old weakness - the cab IR's - is no longer. They are amazing! It sounds soooo much better than my former rig(s). The spread of the sound is flat out massive.
I didn't go all-out on the monitors, as I'm not using them in a band setting, and don't have to run them super loud. Lots of guys swear by the CLR's and QSC's, but after listening to a number of online demos, I thought these actually sounded more realistic and less colored than the QSC, and I'm not even going to try to comment on the CLR, although a buddy has one, and I really need to check it out. that said, i really don't need to put any more $$$ into my rig.
Anyway, I'm SUPER-stoked! I hope it inspires me to play the shit out of my guitars, and stay the hell off the internet...
Mandatory rig pic: