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JCM800 head + which pedal(s) for 80's Thrash?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Finally got my MetalZone. GREAT pedal! The mid-sweep knob really makes it versatile.

    Plays well with the volume and tone controls of the guitar as well. I could see me using just this pedal in an all-out Thrash setting.

    As I work with these pedals and the head, I'm coming to the realization that my Carvin cab/speakers prefer the mids and highs, if not outright over-emphasizing them.

    I really need to clear some floor space for the 4x12 in the closet and see how that sounds, because the Carvin is just killing my ears
    Hey, would you mind sharing your MetalZone settings, i have one of those laying around, never paired it up with my 2203 though.


    • #92
      Currently still experimenting, but it's set for:
      -Level = 1 o'clock
      -High/Low = both at 9 o'clock
      -Mid freq 10 o'clock
      -Mid fully down/off/cut (as low as it'll go)
      -Dist 3 o'clock

      The head was set for everything at 12 o'clock, though I did cut the Pres, Mid, and Treble to ~9 o'clock each to tame the high mids.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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      • #93
        Originally posted by Newc View Post
        Currently still experimenting, but it's set for:
        -Level = 1 o'clock
        -High/Low = both at 9 o'clock
        -Mid freq 10 o'clock
        -Mid fully down/off/cut (as low as it'll go)
        -Dist 3 o'clock

        The head was set for everything at 12 o'clock, though I did cut the Pres, Mid, and Treble to ~9 o'clock each to tame the high mids.
        Thanks a bunch, will try that out tomorrow


        • #94
          Originally posted by zeegler View Post
          I hear this all the time Cyg, and went out and got one based on that. It was a 100 watt 6 knobber, supposedly the closest to a JCM 800. I can't stress enough how much of a piece of shit that thing was. It sounded horrible.
          I assume you are the same Zeegler from GAB, perhaps we will have to arrange an Ontario "amp fest" and I will bring my 8 knob 50 watt AOR. Ass kicking amp. I like it a lot more than the JCM 800 (2210) and 900 (4500) I had, which is why it is still here, and they are gone.
          Out Of Ideas


          • #95
            sell the jcm800 head and get the jcm800kk kerry king version that hits the nail perfectly!!!
            Jackson Dk2 hss in snow white..


            • #96
              Not paying $2500+ for a head. That's Jackson Custom Shop money in my book
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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              • #97
                JCM and a Ratt Box is what I used and then moved on to running a ada MP-1 infront of two JCM 800's = SoCal Thrash
                CURRENT GEAR SET UP
                2005 JACKSON SOLOIST
                1989 JACKSON KING V
                1984 JACKSON RR
                AXE FX II
                MESA BOOGIE 2:90
                DMC GROUND CONTROL PRO
                (2) MESA BOOGIE 4X12 RECTO CABINETS
                (2) MESA BOOGIE 2X12 RECTO CABINETS


                • #98
                  Hmmm. I have only one JCM800, but I have 2 MP-1s.
                  I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                  The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                  My Blog:


                  • #99
                    The tube screamer is the best distortion pedal on the market for my money.
                    This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                    • Originally posted by leftykingv2 View Post
                      The tube screamer is the best distortion pedal on the market for my money.
                      I tend to go for one of two pedals for distortion. Either a Fulltone OCD or a Retro-Sonic 808. The latter being a Tubescreamer clone.


                      • Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
                        I tend to go for one of two pedals for distortion. Either a Fulltone OCD or a Retro-Sonic 808. The latter being a Tubescreamer clone.
                        My buddy has a Retro Sonic 808 and we did a blind tone test between it and my original Tubescreamer and out of the five guitar players in the room nobody could tell which one was which. The RS 808 is a really nice pedal. I wish I new where the hell he got that thing because he said he paid considerably less than I did for my Tubescreamer and it's damn near the same thing. I'll have to ask him the next time I see him.
                        Last edited by leftykingv2; 09-18-2013, 03:54 AM.
                        This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                        • One advantage to the RS 808 is that they have a socket inside with replaceable chips. So you can experiment a bit with it without soldering/unsolsdering if you want. I never messed with mine as I think it sounds fine as is. In fact I've picked up more than one off various forums used There are dealers on E-Bay who carry them new like Pro Guitar Shop for example. Retro-Sonic also makes great Phasers, Analog Delays, and Choruses which I also use


                          • Originally posted by leftykingv2 View Post
                            The tube screamer is the best distortion pedal on the market for my money.
                            While it is only a model, the one thing I have noticed about the TS in the M13 is there's a clean and dirty signal at the same time. Is it supposed to do that? I mean, my Legend rack did it, but it was on every patch and needed repairs
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • I've never noticed anything like that with mine.
                              This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                              • Same here. I don't know how you'd get a clean signal on addition to the boosted one through a Tubescreamer. It's slamming the front of the amp. On modelers it may be different, sending two signals simultaneously(?) But not on the real thing.

