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Seeking opinions on a new amp

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  • Seeking opinions on a new amp

    Hey guys-

    I've been using the Randall MTS system for a few years now. I've played numerous modded modules and have my favorites, which I don't think I'll ever sell. They're based on an Orange Rockerverb, Bogner Uberschall, Cameron CCV and VHT GP3. I have a few more modules and while I like them, I don't consider them essential modules that I should keep forever, so I've put them up for sale. With their proceeds, I hope to get something new. I've narrowed my search down to 3 variants of amps. My MTS experience has really helped me figure out what I want from an amp. I want a warm clean tone that takes dirt pedals like its no ones business. I want 2 dirty channels that sound completely different from one another so I can use them for different tones and boost them for leads. I want something that sounds equally good at stage and bedroom volumes as I don't get to play out much. I want a great FX loop as well as great build quality (I'm getting something used). If the amp has a unique voice, that's a plus too.

    1) Powered Kemper (rackmount unit)- I've heard great things about the kemper, but haven't played one myself or even heard one in person. If its as good as I've heard it is it seems like a no-brainer, but its still digital and I've never been really satisfied with a digital unit. I'm also not in the greatest financial position and its a bit above what I want to spend. I've also heard that the gear used to profile the amps comes into play. So if the amp is question is profiled with a Les paul with Lollar PU's, the guitar as well as the amp is profiled. So If i use my EBMM axis instead of a LP with Lollars the sound will be off as my gear isn't the same.

    2) Fryette Pitbull CLX or Ultra Lead- I have a single-channel VHT GP3 preamp copy as an MTS module. It sounds like absolutely nothing else. I love how clear it is, no matter if its set up clean or has gnarly distortion. While it has lots of gain, it doesn't always feel like it, which is feels weird when I play it :/ I'm thinking if I get a pitbull it will be like 3 channels of the great Fryette tone, which I like and find so distinct. I've heard the amps are bulletproof in terms of quality. However, Back in 2009 I sold a bunch of MTS gear to fund a Fryette Sig:X. I got the amp and loved it, but it gave me a headache for whatever the reason was. Somehow, my head didn't agree with its frequency or something. I don't want that to be the case with the Pitbull. I sold the Sig:X 2 weeks after I got it. I loved the tone, but couldn't deal with the headaches.

    3) The third amp is something by Soldano. I'd love an SLO. Its my favorite amp, has the best dirty channel in existence and the best warranty in the business. However, the clean channel is lacking as is the FX loop and even used, I can't afford one. Its been suggested that I look into a Decatone or one of theHot Rod amps, but I know its not exactly the same. I have a MTS module that's a replica of a SLO preamp, but I know the SLO gets its tone from the poweramp as well, and my Randall amp doesn't have the SLO transformers. (otherwise I'd just get a Jet city 100). However, just like Fryette, Soldano offers a unique tone which I really like.

    So, which one would you choose? Do I take a shot in the dark and get a kemper? Do I take a chance on the headaches and get a Fryette? Can I substitute an SLO with a cheaper Soldano and get the same tone with a better clean and FX loop? What would you do?

    Thanks in advance for any help or advise you can give me.


  • #2
    Im surprised you have the SLO on that list. Not because its bad, its a great amp, but because its not really a low volume amp. Its also doesn't have a great effects loop. I have one and love it! But it needs to be turned up a bit. Anyway, from your description you basically listed everything in a Bogner Ecstasy 101B. Its 3 channels, has built in boost, the cleans are equally as great as the distortions, takes pedals well, has a good effects loop, and has a great master volume so you can play it at lower volumes. Its still an expensive amp but used they're less than SLO's. I also have a Randall MTS myself and a 101B. While the modded MTS modules are good they really aren't the same as a real SLO or Ecstasy 101B.
    Last edited by roodyrocker; 12-02-2013, 11:53 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
      Im surprised you have the SLO on that list. Not because its bad, its a great amp, but because its not really a low volume amp. Its also doesn't have a great effects loop. I have one and love it! But it needs to be turned up a bit. Anyway, from your description you basically listed everything in a Bogner Ecstasy 101B. Its 3 channels, has built in boost, the cleans are equally as great as the distortions, takes pedals well, has a good effects loop, and has a great master volume so you can play it at lower volumes. Its still an expensive amp but used they're less than SLO's. I also have a Randall MTS myself and a 101B. While the modded MTS modules are good they really aren't the same as a real SLO or Ecstasy 101B.
      +1 to RoodyRocker!!! I honestly couldn't have said it any better!
      This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


      • #4
        1) Powered Kemper (rackmount unit)- My understanding on Pros using the Kemper is they are using it mostly for a) recording so they can 'capture' a specific tone for re-amping later and b) capturing their specific rig tone so they can duplicate it live. I don't really think it sees as much use from a 'community' where people are sharing patches or their killer tones. I'm sure there's stuff out there, but probably not to the same volumes as axe-fx 2 stuff. But quantity doesn't equal quality either.

        2) Fryette Pitbull CLX or Ultra Lead- No experience other than brief touches on the models in the axe 2.

        3) Soldano. I'd love an SLO. - The best thing I've ever heard anyone use to describe an SLO is Warren Haynes. I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said it's a stadium amp. It's not a club amp or a bedroom amp. It doesn't start doing it's thing until it hits "Kill small animals" volumes.

        I'm with Rudy and the 101B recommendation as well. It's a killer amp at just about everything, especially those edge of breakup touch sensitive tones. I could play on the blue channel all day long. The only place I don't think it does as well as say a pitbull or an uberschall or something like that is the high gain downtuned stuff. It will do it, it just doesn't bring "Teh Brootalz" like those others. For me it's not an issue, but some people like to play the chugga chugga ping stuff.
        GTWGITS! - RacerX


        • #5
          Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
          Im surprised you have the SLO on that list. Not because its bad, its a great amp, but because its not really a low volume amp. Its also doesn't have a great effects loop. I have one and love it! But it needs to be turned up a bit. Anyway, from your description you basically listed everything in a Bogner Ecstasy 101B. Its 3 channels, has built in boost, the cleans are equally as great as the distortions, takes pedals well, has a good effects loop, and has a great master volume so you can play it at lower volumes. Its still an expensive amp but used they're less than SLO's. I also have a Randall MTS myself and a 101B. While the modded MTS modules are good they really aren't the same as a real SLO or Ecstasy 101B.
          I appreciate the suggestion and I'll look into it, but I've never liked the ectasy. Its something about the squishy mids that I've always hated. I remember when I had my 5153 and thought it sounded like a lovechild of an Ectasy and SLO and hated the former.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
            The only place I don't think it does as well as say a pitbull or an uberschall or something like that is the high gain downtuned stuff. It will do it, it just doesn't bring "Teh Brootalz" like those others. For me it's not an issue, but some people like to play the chugga chugga ping stuff.
            I also don't play that kind of music anyways.


            • #7
              To clear up a couple of misunderstandings about the Kemper, you only profile the amp, the cab, and mic. And there are tons of great profiles in the user community on Kemper's homepage (see, e.g., Many of them are better quality than what I can do myself, so I don't even bother making my own, except for the modded/special stuff. For me, I got the Kemper for recording silently at home (I've already got the amps, the cabs, etc.), and it's a great way to still get exactly your sound.


              • #8
                Based on the list of your favorite MTS modules, grab a Kemper and a powered speaker. I use the Alto TS112a with both my AxeFx and the Kemper. I love it! Has every amp I've ever wanted and then some.

