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  • Nad!!

    Laney AOR 50. I have wanted one of these since I was a kid. Got it on a trade and I think we both made out. '89 charvel fusion special 9.5 condition but I never played it. My regulars are a fusion custom and model 5. Pic to follow

  • #2
    I know what that feeling is like, wanting something most of your life and one day you finally get it!

    Pictures please!


    • #3
      Craigslist deal. I had to drive to Tampa but worth it. Super nice guy. I told him about the forum here. He has model4 and now ofcourse a fusion. Now I need a cabinet. Any suggestions?


      • #4
        I'm a Mesa and Splawn freak but mostly Mesa cabs. I do have a 4x12 Avatar with V30's which was more affordable and I've had nothing but great luck with them. New or used.


        • #5
          There's quite a few cabs for sale locally. I play mostly 80's hair metal but I have heard good things about V30s


          • #6
            I saw a nice Avatar on CL Orlando but the guy was more toward if not in Tampa... Wait, here it is

            that X pattern with the 75 and 30 speakers should kick ass. I can't believe it hasn't been sold yet. I want it but don't want to drive that far.
            Last edited by chrisf; 02-09-2014, 01:48 PM.


            • #7
              I really like V30's in an x pattern, never tried the 75 though. Very cool find!


              • #8
                I found a carvin cab locally with celestions for $210. I sent him mail asking which celestions. Im dieing to play through his thing. He just replied. They are G12M-70 . Are those decent? For the money I think I am going to get it.
                Last edited by outlawten5; 02-09-2014, 10:13 PM.


                • #9
                  G12M-70's are solid. My Lee Jackson XLS-1000 likes those better then the 30's I have right now in a Marshall 2x12.
                  But 30H's are just so sweet on that amp also.
                  I mention it because the AOR is a Lee Jackson design I believe.
                  Not a total through and through design.
                  But one he had his hands in.
                  I find a certain consistent nature to his amps all sounding better on anything but Vintage 30's to me.
                  But it's all subjective I guess.
                  An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
                  A tooth for a tooth means we all eat through a straw.


                  • #10
                    Haven't been on here in awhile. Anyhow after a set of tubes this thing is ridiculously LOUD. On 4 it kills My Peavey Vyper 100 watt 2x12. This is my first tube amp and I have heard you need to play them at half volume or more to get the full potential. I thought I read somewhere about a box between the head and cabinet to reduce the sound level. Any ideas?


                    • #11
                      it has a master volume, so you can basically get the goods at reasonable volumes, but sure it gets "better" as it gets louder.

                      there are boxes you can put in your amps effects loop, but again, that device in particular is just like another Master Volume
                      Out Of Ideas


                      • #12
                        What you might want to try is an attenuator.

                        This one has gotten some decent reviews...


                        • #13
                          Thanks Pitbull

